Chapter 30- "i want you"

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"I want you"

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"I want you"

One day

By; Tate McRae


Izzy was headed to the chatuea with Pope and Kiara. The two girls were in the front seat and Pope sat in the middle of the back to be apart of the conversation.

"I proud of you Iz" Pope says after a moment of silence. Izzy turns to face him her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Why?" She questions.

"You're finally opening up, I mean if you told me 2 months ago you would be tearing down your walls instead of building them up I wouldn't believe you" he chuckles lightly.

"Yeah Iz, you've changed. In a good way" Kiara smiles over at her as they pull into the chatuea. She couldn't help but think of JJ. He's the reason she's opening up. He's the reason she's opening up. As much as she doesn't want to admit it ,JJ maybanks was changing her.

"Thanks guys" she said softly getting out of the truck while pope explained how they were going to get the gold.

"Thank you" Kie says randomly to Pope making Izzy and him turn around.

"What?" He asks.

"For the boat thing with Sara. I know neither of the boys planned that and Izzy was probably off napping" she said looking to Izzy. Izzy just shrugged.

"She isn't wrong" Izzy said walking to the backyard leaving the two to have their moment. Soon the whole yard lit up with Christmas lights as a generator powered on. Izzy was the first to spot him. JJ sat in the hot tub a drink in his hand and a glass in the other one.

She stood their in shock as pope and Kie came up behind her. JJ was clearly drunk. Little inflatable flamingos floated around the water.

"You guys should get in immediately" JJ slurred clearly drunk. He matched Izzys gaze and she could see the pain in his eyes.

"JJ what did you do?" Kie asked in shock. Izzy just stood there and watched.  She wanted to be mad. Mad that he bought a hottub. Mad that he told everyone her secrets and then ran off. Mad the he robbed a drug dealer, but she couldn't. When she looked at him she could tell he was hurting. She could see through the smile he had plastered on.

"Where did you get the money for this" Pope asks. Oh no Izzy thinks.

"Did you spend the money?" Izzy asks looking to JJ who nods. She griminess but doesn't get mad. She knows something bad happened to him. She could tell.

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