10. frigid

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Chapter 10 - 10

Frigid [ fri-g-id ]
.adj showing no friendliness or enthusiasm.
" To no surprise, he was frigid. "

It makes me wonder, did they all have a part in killing my parents? I could see Chan and Hyunjin doing it but I don't know about the others. I just can't wrap my head around it. The door creaked open like a horror movie but it wasn't my villain coming in, it was my hero. Minho walked in, first aid kit in hand. I stared at him, deep in thought. Why was he being so nice to me? And why was Jeongin so cold when I woke up?

" Got any questions cutie? "

" Um, yeah actually. " He smiled, happiness surged through him as he felt he was gaining her trust.

" Why was Jeongin so cold to me when I woke up ?" He sighed, " You scared him, he thought you'd never wake up. We were all scared but it hit him the hardest. He'll probably be cold to you for a while but don't take it personally. He's still trying to recover from some fear. ". I shook my head, understanding but I felt no pity. At least I woke up, but my parents didn't.

" He isn't mean, he's actually a really cute fox. " I smiled.

" A fox?" I asked, holding back my laughter.

" Yeah, we all call him a fox because of his sharp features. ". I look up, picturing Jeongin in my head. I honestly didn't notice that he looked like a fox until they said something. I went to speak but my words were replaced by a screech of pain.

" I know it's gonna hurt, I have to clean it so it doesn't get more infected. I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you. " Tears fall as the stinging only get worse as he goes deeper into the wound. I gripped the sheets as I felt them dip next to me. Looking over I see Jeongin, pain in his eyes as well. He grabs my hand, a barely audible whisper leaves his mouth.

" Hold my hand. ". I grabbed his hand hesitantly but gripped it intensely as Minho continued. " It hurts. " I whimpered.

" I know " Jeongin replied as Minho finished up, wrapped it, and kissed it softly.

" There, it's done. Change into a skirt so you can let it air out. " Handing me that another outfit, Him and Jeongin turned around giving me a chance to change. Putting on the loose black ruffled skirt along with an oversized gray sweater.

" Are you finished? " Jeongin asked, " Yeah " I replied shyly, I always hated how I looked in skirts hence why I never wore them. This is nauseating. They turned around and smiled widely, " You look beautiful. " They said in unison. I mouthed thank you, being too shy to actually speak.

" Let's go before Chan gets all our asses. " We all let out a small chuckled and made our way downstairs.

"It's about time, I was worried I was gonna have to drag you all down here myself. " Jeongin and Minho laughed while I looked down in fear. I can't face him, not now, not yet. "

" You scared princess? Don't be, it was only because you angered me. ". I still didn't look up and he sighed.

" Anyways, we all waited until you guys arrived. So, please, sit down. ". Three seats were open, one by Hyunjin, one by Seungmin, and one by Chan. Jeongin sat next to Chan, helping me out by taking the hardest seat. Chan pushed him up and spoke sternly, " We have assigned seats. "

" What if I wanna sit next to my Hyung today? " Changbin pitched in, backing up Chan, " Jeongin, it's a rule. The queen sits by the oldest, that's how dad always it. " Jeongin scoffed and sat in his seat, Chan smirking as I sat down next to him. Fear radiating off of me and him feeding on it.

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