16. red room

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Chapter 16 - 16

Red Room [ red-room ]
.adj a name to describe a room for sexual deviancy
" This was their red room. "

Warmth around me was the first thing I felt as my eyes fluttered open. Looking up, I recognized a soundly sleeping Seungmin, relaxation spread out on his face. He was calm, however, I was not. Looking down, I noticed how I was wearing sweatpants and long sleeve shirt. I didn't fall asleep in this, I didn't even fall asleep in my bed so what happened? Pushing him away softly, he groaned.

" How did I change, I didn't even fall asleep in here?". His morning voice slightly slurred and low, " I brought you up here after you had fallen asleep during the movie. ". I blushed, " Sorry. ". He chuckled before continuing, " And I changed you because you were shivering during your nightmare. You kept repeating ' I'm cold '. ". I've never had nightmares, only flashbacks, so why was I suddenly having them?

" Get dressed, Chans should have breakfast done. " He got up from the bed and ruffled his hair. He walked to the door and turned around, speaking before leaving the room, " Greatest night ever. ". I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, I was flustered. He chuckled, closing the door behind him and leaving me baffled. I got out of bed and walked downstairs into the dining room. The smell of a classic American breakfast hit me, fresh bacon with scrambled eggs and pancakes. I miss it, my mother used to always make American meals. I walked into the kitchen, Chan looked over at me and smiled.

" Hey babygirl, how'd you sleep? ". I shrugged my shoulders as I sat at the table.

" Less affectionate than yesterday, arent we? ". I scoffed, " I kind of just wanted that feeling of comfort if that's what you mean. "

" Come on, yesterday was nice, what happened? "

" That was yesterday, nothing. " Chan slammed down his utensils, a bang echoing throughout the house as it collided with the counter. I got off the chair and moved away from him.

" I'm not gonna hurt you like last time, but you are also not gonna disrespect me in my own castle understood? ". I stopped moving but he didn't, his body coming into contact with mine.

" I would understand if I chose to be here but I didn't, I'm forced to be here. You can't be mad when I don't follow the rules when I don't even wanna be here in the first place. ". In a swift second, I found myself pinned to the wall, wincing as pain shot up my spine.

" Now babygirl, if you dare speak to me like that one more time, things aren't gonna be pretty. Now, you like when things are pretty right? ". I shook my head yes, not being able to speak.

" Good, so don't ruin it. ". He let me go and I fell onto the floor as the others walked in.

" Woah, what happened here? " No one answered. " Okay then " Jeongin added. I sighed, carefully standing up as pain was still evident in my back as I winced.

" Everyone sit down, I'll make your plates. ". I sat in my normal seat. Unfortunately, it was seated next to Chan. Handing out everyone's plates one by one, he finally sat down and I looked at him.

" You don't get to eat. ". I scoffed as he continued talking, " You are being a very bad girl right now, bad girls get punished. ".

" You can't do that to her Chan. "

" Jeongin, stay out of it. "

" No! You can't just starve her cause you're in a bad mood. Wasn't yesterday a good day? Don't be an asshole the very next day. ". Chan chuckled lowly, seemingly calm throughout Jeongins fit.

" Now, yes Jeongin, it was amazing. Why don't you ask Jisoo how yesterday was, hm? " I gulped.

" Jisoo, did you enjoy yesterday? "

" I mean, yeah- "

" But babygirl, tell them what you told me earlier. "

" That was yesterday... " I paused, I didn't want to hurt Jeongin or Minho, especially Chan.

" And that it was nothing. " I whispered that last bit.

" Nothing? " Jeongin asked. I kept my head low.

" Now, Minho, Changbin, and Felix, why don't we show her what nothing is. " Chan spoke in a low, seductive voice.

" We should, after all, she's being a very bad girl and as Chan said, bad girls get punished. " Changbin replied to Chan's comment.

" If we are though, she should eat, get energized. We never know how long we can go. ". I gulped yet again, fear engulfing my body as Chan set a full plate of food in front of me.

" I'm not hungry... "

" Are you sure your gonna want to get left in a room with those three if you're tired? "

" We all get turns and don't forget. " Felix interrupted him, " We don't work alone. ". I slowly started eating what was on my plate, attempting to stall the situation that I couldn't avoid. They stared at me annoyed, " Hurry up and eat. It's not like you don't know how. ". Looking down, I still had a pancake and some pieces of bacon left, basically what I had started with.

" Jisoo, just work with them, please. " Hyunjin said, pleading for my sake. I sighed, drowning the pancake in syrup, and took big bites. I burped and covered my mouth, mumbling an apology. They looked down at my plate, it soon being empty.

" Let's go. " Felix spoke, still shocked over the petite girl that devoured that plate in seconds.

" So, princess, we may seem like the softest bunch in the house but you couldn't be farther from wrong. ". I tried wrapping my head around his words. " Farther from wrong? " I questioned, " I don't think that makes sense. ".

" Shut up, you're supposed to be intimidated. "

" Sorry, bad language and grammar is my pet peeve. ". Felix grabbed my arm and yanked me into a room.

" This is where we'll have you for a while princess, you're ours for a while. ". Turning around, I was welcomed with a certain room. Though it was a basic room, probably a guest room.

" You guys really aren't that intimidating. ". Changbin sighed, annoyed by my nonchalant attitude about the situation. Pushing a red button on the wall, a secret compartment opened up revealing multiple, scarring objects.

A wall of sex toys.

↳❝ the following content after this chapter will be sexual. ❞ - 1144 words.

 ❞ - 1144 words

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