the end.

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the end - 결말

Stockholm Syndrome [ stock-home syn-drome ]
.n feelings of trust a captive builds for their kidnapper
" She suffered from stockholm syndrome"

I smiled with my book in hand as I walked through the castle, heading to my room.

" Our shared room. " Seungmin added as he caught up with me, I chuckled. " Always reading my mind, aren't you? ". He whistled innocently to avoid the question.

" Seungmin, Jisoo! " I voice called out from behind us. We turned around and I gasped, " Innie! ". I ran out to him as he caught me in his embrace. " Where have you been? " I said sadly, as I had missed him.

" Training, working on the powers and such. " He replied, hugging me tightly. " Alright lovebirds, the others are waiting for us, we must go. As you know, it's an important day. " We pulled away from each other and walked hand-in-hand to the throne room where the others.

" Our Princess has arrived. " Minho called out as we walked into the room. Changbin smacked the back of his head, " Queen, you idiot. "

" Not quite yet. " Chan replied, pausing as he grabbed the Kings' crown and placed it on his head. " By tradition, the eldest will crown the queen, followed by a kiss. " The other groaned in disappointment and I chuckled. Seungmin and Jeongin joined the others in line, oldest to youngest as I walked over to Chan. He took my hand and guided me onto the lifted platform. We bowed to each other, my heart palpitating. No matter how many times I practiced, I was still nervous.

" I bestow upon Kim Jisoo the crown. The crown that carries responsibility, family, love, and a legacy. Please kneel before me Kim Jisoo. " I obeyed and kneeled on one knee, lowering my head slightly for him to place the crown on. He gently set it on my head and put his hand out for me to hold. I grabbed it and stood up to face him, he smiled " Our queen. " I smiled back and kissed him lovingly.

" My kings. "


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