The baby project! ||Hagakureon||

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Non despair au, monokuma is a teacher still

The baby project is a thing where two people basically become parents to a fake baby for some time! I will be doing versions of this for all the ships! although they might have different stories in between. The babies will be able to crawl and stuff so basically real babies but they can't get hurt or die if that makes sense!

Italics: thinking

'The baby project!' Monokuma announced, explaining the basics on how to take care of a child and the pairs. 'The last pair is.... Hagakure and Leon! Now, you will be sharing a dorm with your partner so go get sorted, run along!' He giggled, disappearing under his desk. 'Ay, hiro! Looks like I'm moving into your dorm' the red head shouted, grabbing one of the realistic dolls making it cry instantly. 'Yeah bro! You gotta be more careful with these things...' hagakure replied, taking the baby and gently cradling it, stopping it's crying.

(When they move into the dorm)

'Leon, we need a name for the child!'
'What kind of name is that- it's perfect!'
'Well take uhm, axel for a sec, monokuma said he had some stuff and I'm gonna go get it!' The clairvoyant said, handing his friend the doll. He returned after a few minutes with a 6 pack of bottles, diapers and a cradle for it to sleep in. 'We can't drink or go to parties for like, a month!' He complained, setting down the supplies. 'Yeah but the kid is pretty cute, do you know how to cook?' Leon asked, looking through the cupboard for some food. 'Yeah I can cook, whatcha want?'

10 minutes later hagakure was cooking, the baby sitting comfortably on his hip as it wouldn't stop crying. He looked like a real parent and Leon thought this was adorable, causing him to stare at his best friend, smiling slightly. 'foods ready Leo, I'm gonna start treating you like my husband if you don't take the child.' Hagakure called from the kitchen, chuckling as he put the food on the table. Leon wasn't exactly against the idea, but he came and ate his food, continuously thanking yasuhiro. 'Bro it's fine, why can this doll move tho, it's really creepy-'
'Idk, it's like a replica of a real child so that must be why' the baseball star shrugged, gently taking the now sleeping doll and placing it in its crib.

(2 days later, axel is the doll/babies name btw!)

Carrying axel and half carrying Leon, yasuhiro walked into class. 'What took you so long?' Monokuma screeched, glaring at the three boys. (Leon, hagakure and axel/the doll-) 'your stupid doll kept my husband awake all night!' Leon sighed  tiredly, glaring at the bi-coloured bear. 'Yeah! My poor wife was up with me trying to calm him down!' Hagakure joined, dragging Leon to his seat.

(I used the word wife cuz husband didn't fit but I can change to husband if anyone wants-)

Mondo sat with his baby resting on his shoulder, ishimaru next to him working but occasionally making sure that mondo was ok looking after their doll. mukuro and sayaka were playing with their baby, conversing with aoi and Sakura who were amazing parents.

Surprisingly, Togami was taking good care of his and makotos 'child', but looking rather uncomfortable about it, sending death glares at anyone who looked at him unless it was makoto or the baby. Toko and chihiro were partnered up and were surprisingly now good friends, chihiro holding the baby. Celestia and kyoko were chatting while there stylishly dressed baby snored, slightly falling onto celestias lap. hifumi didn't have to do the project as he didn't have anyone to partner up with so he just skipped the lesson because it was to see how everyone was getting on.

'Alrighty~ you have 3 weeks and 5 days left! Now get out of my class!'
'Ugh, fine! Makoto take the child it's messing up my suit- wait no I want it-' Togami sat arguing with himself and makoto while the rest of the class walked out, yasuhiro now carrying a lightly blushing Leon bridal-style with the baby on top of him. (So yasuhiro is carrying Leon and the baby is on top of Leon) 'AYO LEON! COME TO MINE AND ISHI'S DORM THE KIDS CAN HAVE A PLAYDATE OR SOMETHING!' Mondo shouted across the hall, catching the two blushing boys attention.

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