Cool- yeah cool ||2||

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Non despair au, roomates, part two!

a few months had passed and mondo and taka were best friends, or best 'bro's' as they called it!

'Mondo! you need to pay attention cmon!' The two boys were studying but mondo was paying more attention to his 'tutor' who happened to be his best friend, and crush at the time. 'he's so cute- tryna get me to study and get good grades, I guess I should pay more attention in class..'

'Mondo your staring at me!' The raven haired boy said, a little louder than he had meant to be.
'Huh- oh! Uh yeah 3467!'
'We are studying Romeo and Juliet, not math-'
'Oh- could you possibly maybe kinda just like~ readthatwholethingagain-?' the taller male said quickly, trying to avoid a lecture. 'Seriously?! Ugh, fine! But pay attention!' Ishimaru furrowed his eyebrows, beginning to read the passage again for what seemed like the 10th time.

(I don't know anything abt romeo and Juliet so yeah)

'They both died?! What's the point in reading it then?' Mondo raged, slamming his fist onto the desk. 'You didn't even read it, I did! And you just said the answer to your final question.'
'Wait what?!'
'You finished your questions mondo, great job!'
'Oh- thanks for helping me study ishi!'
'No problem mondo!' Taka smiled, starting to clear the desk.

(Time skip to class the next day, after the test!)

'ISHI! I GOT 92%!' mondo screamed across the class, attracting a lot of unwanted attention. 'that's great mondo! But please try and lower your voice' Taka replied, not wanting to ruin his perfect record of no detentions. Mondo smirked, obviously proud of his grade and pulled Kiyotaka into his lap hugging him from behind, 'ha gay!' an annoying red headed boy shouted from across the classroom. 'YOUR LITERALLY ON YASUHIROS LAP?! YOU GUYS JUST KISSED-'
'I will give you detention!'
'No you wonttt'
'LEON!' Both boys shouted in sync, blush covering their faces.

(Time skip to lunch brought to you by....Syo's scissors)

Taka took his usual route around the corridors, humming to himself and occasionally giving someone a detention. 'AYO! ISHIMARU! HALL MONITOR DUDE!!' Yasuhiro shouted, trying to catch the prefects attention. 'No shouting in the halls, but yes? What do you need fellow classmate?!' He replied, eager to hear what was so important yasuhiro had to scream across the hall at him. 'MEET MONDO IN THE COURTYARD IN FIVE MINUTES, NO QUESTIONS ASKED! MAKOTO AND TOGAMI WILL BE COVERING FOR YOU AS HALL MONITORS!' 'I- ok!' 'I wonder what mondo needs....'

Several minutes later the prefect walked to the spot he was told to meet at, looking for his friend. 'ISHI!'
'Ah, mondo! Why are you shouting? Are you ok?' Ishimaru worriedly asked, checking to see if mondo was hurt, 'NO NO! UHM I WANTED TO MAYBE ASK YOU SOMETHING-' mondo screamed, red faced and quite obviously nervous about something. 'Ask away bro!'

'I UH SO- I KINDA LIKE YOU- IN LIKE A NON BRO WAY! LIKE ROMANTICALLY AND YOUR REALLY PRETTY! UH YEAH- I WAS WONDERING IF MAYBE YOU WANTED TO DATE- UH YEAH! YEAH!' mondo finished, proud of himself for managing to confess. His happy feeling was quickly taken over by dread upon not hearing a response, looking up expecting to be greeted with a disgusted taka he was pleasantly surprised to see a blushing but crying ishimaru. 'I- yes mondo, I would like to date you! That was very sweet.' the shorter boy giggled. 'WAIT FOR REAL?!' 'yes for rea-' The red-eyed boy was cut off my his new boyfriend kissing him and a lot of rustling and cheers from the bushes.

Reluctantly pulling away from the kiss, both boys turned around to see their friends cheering. 'YOU GUYS WATCHED THAT?? COME BACK HERE!' The biker screamed, chasing after Leon and yasuhiro leaving his best friend, and boyfriend standing alone blushing and laughing through tears.


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