Barbie gyals ||chatfic||

140 5 8

I'm sick and slowly going insane because I delete over 3/4 of my leogami chapter accidentally, so WHIPPEE! A chatfic! <3

This was written at some point last night and I opened my phone onto it..I'm so sorry?

Ships included:

Kazuichi x fuyuhiko
Mondo x Ishimaru
Leon x togami
Kyoko x makoto
Celeste x peko


**babygangsta has added 5 participants**

kazuwee: I stole fuushako's fphpn

Togglemi: ..what?

Babygangsta: he stole my phone and added them, sorry guys.

Tiki Taka: Who did he add, may I ask?

Kazuwee: TIKKI TAKA! I added myself, Mondiepoo, Leon, Peko and makoto because they're babyfisls

Kazuwee: babygirls*

Peko: ..I'm not 'babygirl', what.

Babygangsta: yeh you are, p

Peko: kay why ess

Tikki Taka: Peko!! That's not very kind, next time, be meaner! <3

Mondopookie: Taka😨

Makoto: Guys..what's happening? You're all acting weird!

Togglemi: Shut up

Kyoko: shut up

Taeko: Shut up. And change my name back Byakuya.

Babygangsta: shut up naegi

mondopookie: yeah, shut up.

Kyoko: you aren't part of this, you loser.

Ginger: HAH, tell em kyoko.

Tikki Taka: Be quiet, Leon.

Taeko: shut up. No one loves you leon.

Kyoko: other than Byakuya of course.


Ginger: awh tohamai;)

Togglemi: what.

Ginger: togamai*

Ginger: togami^

Togglemi: learn how to spell your future last name, Christ.

Ginger: wdym

Taeko: Swing and a miss </3

Kyoko: Dense mf

Babygangsta: it was a bad pickup line anyways..?

Kazuwee: that's so real

Makoto: I'm wildly confused?

Taeko: good. Stay that way.

Kyoko: don't be too mean to him.

Togglemi: ruining our fun!

Tikki Taka: Be nice! Come on!!

Ginger: orange jsuice

Kyoko: Hajime?

mondopookie: I hate hajime.

Kazuwee: Hajimeisbae!

Togglemi: Doctor Seuss

Togglemi: green eggs and ham!

Tikki Taka: Not again </3

Togglemi: eat your green eggs and ham <3

Tikki taka: my green eggs are expired.

Mondopookie: what, our eggs aren't expired?

Tikki Taka: green ones are. Get new ones.

kazuwee: what

Kyoko: green eggs are a sham!

Taeko: yellow eggs pair with lamb.

Babygangsta: that tasty treat makes you say, 'damn'!

Kazuwee: I'm madly in love with you oml.

Babygangsta: ew

Peko: he's giggling and blushing.

Babygangsta: STFU



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Peko: ....HAH.

Taeko: Peko let's get married.

Togglemi: I found Tikki taka, idiots|

Togglemi: I found Tikki taka, idiots|                                                                       |                                                                      V

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Tikki taka: ......oh!

Mondopookie: what on earth?

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