Nightmare ||ishimondo||

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Sad? Nothing like blood or gore just kinda sad I guess? I can make different ships with this, more baby project chapters are on the way too :D

Character death warning??? (You'll see-)

Non-despair au!
Italics = thinking
Bold = a/n or edit
(Brackets) = a/n or edit!

Driving back from the funeral, the raven haired boy called his boyfriend. He couldn't exactly remember who's funeral it was, or why he couldn't see many peoples faces that were there but he dismissed it.
Surprisingly, mondo didn't pick up the call. The former hall monitor pulled into the front drive of the couples shared house, and got out of the car. Upon entering the house, he called out his boyfriends name but got no response. 'Mondo?! Mondo love~' Taka called, searching rooms for his lover. Finally reaching their room, Ishimaru started to call out his boyfriends name, until he heard quiet sniffling. 'Hm, is-.... Is mondo..crying?! Mondo hasn't cried since we first met in hopes peak..' Taka thought, gently opening the door.

Mondo was a mess. Tissues were scattered across the room, his mirror was smashed to pieces, the shards scattered across the floor. Paintings that Kiyotaka suggested they hang up were now crooked, a fist-size hole in-between them. But the sight that hurt the ravenette more than he could ever imagine, was his boyfriend.

Mondo owada, the normally tough, fearless biker was crying, sobbing even, on his and ishimaru's shared bed. His knuckles were bloody, presumably from punching the fresh hole in the wall. He was soaked from the rain outside, cheeks stained with salty tears. 'Did he ride his bike home in the rain?! Where was he?!'  Thoughts ran around ishimaru's brain as he approached his partner. He attempted to touch mondo, only for his hand to go straight through the bikers jacket, and then his skin. 'W-what?! Why did my-'

Ishimaru was a smart guy, top of most of his classes, straight A student, tutor, he even taught a few times! So it didn't take long for him to put the pieces together. 'It was- it was my funeral I went to- I died?! I PROMISED MONDO I WOULDN'T LEAVE HIM! I CANT BE DEAD- NO! THIS IS JUST A JOKE, EVERYONE IS PLAYING A PRANK ON ME, YEAH!!' The red eyed boy cried, desperately trying to hold his boyfriend, to comfort him and tell him everything was ok. It didn't help that mondo was scared of storms, making his sobbing 10x worse. Normally Ishimaru would rub comforting circles on his back, cuddle him, put on a movie to drown out the sound of thunder and reassure him that everything would be ok, but he wasn't there to do that now.

(had to take a break at this point cuz this is bad and cringe but we too far in to quit <3)

'Taka! Taka! BABE!' Mondo shook his boyfriend, trying to wake him up. The shorter boy woke up after a few minutes of shaking, his eyes bloodshot. 'Mondo!' He cried, clinging to his boyfriend. 'Woah woah, what happened love?' The biker questioned, wrapping his arms around the other. (I don't know any nicknames to use I don't date people or call them nicknames don't judge me😍)

'I- well- I left you- I died! And I left you a-alone! I- I don't want to leave you mondo!' The former hall monitor sobbed, trying to regulate his breathing and failing to do so. 'Hey hey look at me! I'm here ok? And you'll never leave me, I love you' Mondo repeated, rubbing comforting circles on the others back. 'Go back to sleep ok?' 'Okay....'

Mondo smiled at his boyfriend, who had fallen asleep on his chest, and eventually fell back asleep himself.


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