The baby project! ||Ishimondo||

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Ishimondo version of the baby project! non despair au but monokuma is still a teacher!
Some people will be out of character! The dolls are basically real babies so they can cry and stuff, but they just won't die if that makes sense!

Italics = thinking

'Ishimaru and owada, you are partners for this project!' Monokuma squeaked, explaining the basics on how to care for a baby.

(After class)

'Bro! Monokuma said I gotta move into your dorm!' Mondo exclaimed, picking up their doll. 'That's great mondo, what do you wanna name her?'
'Hmm, kirumi!'
'Sounds good bro!'

(After mondo moved into kiyotakas dorm)

'Bro' The biker said suddenly, turning to look at his friend
'Yeah bro?'
'There's only one bed bro!'
'Oh- what do we do?'
'I guess we sleep together?'
'WHA- thats- thats unwholesome! For two people to sleep in the same bed before marriage is terrible!'
'BeForE maRrIaGe? Do you think about marrying me~'
'WHAT- nO- we aren't even dating!'
'you aren't?'
The two boys turned to the table blushing heavily, inching towards eachother upon seeing the bi-coloured bear that was their principal and teacher. 'No we aren't!' The prefect insisted, backing away slightly. 'Awh man, ok then if you insist~ you still have to sleep in the same bed though!' Monokuma winked before running out the door giggling maniacally. 'What was that all about' the corn-haired delinquent muttered, sitting on their bed.

(Time skip to nighttime)

Taka was helping calm kirumi down after she had thrown a bottle at mondo, who was standing there bright red after taka has kissed his 'wound'. 'Takakissedmetakakissedmetakakissedme' (taka kissed me x3) Eventually getting kirumi to sleep, taka walked over to mondo. 'Mondo, what's wrong? Your all red! Are you sick?' The hall monitor asked, checking over his friend. 'I-'
'Mondo I think you're sick! The ravenette said, pushing his friend backwards onto the bed. 'I- no- I'm not sick- ishi- I promise I'm not!' The biker protested, only to be ignored while his crush went to get him a glass of water. Kiyotaka came back with a glass of water and had changed his clothes, handing mondo the water he sat in the bed and laid next to him. 'T-thanks taka' 'WHY DID I STUTTER GOD MONDO SERIOUSLY?!'

After a few minutes mondo had calmed down a bit but was still a pink-ish colour. 'Mondo, lay down' Ishimaru instructed, hoping mondo would listen. Luckily mondo did listen so, he laid down directly on top of ishimaru's chest, hugging his waist and causing them both to blush furiously. 'Ishi, can ya play with my hair...?' Mondos muffled voice asked sheepishly. 'Of course mondo!' The ultimate moral compass giggled, beginning to run his hands through the messy curls and undo the bikers pompadour. (I think that's what it's called correct me if I'm wrong!) 'you should wear your hair down more mondo, it's pretty!' Kiyotaka suggested grinning, a slight blush still dusting his pale cheeks. 'If ye really want me to to then sure ishi..I'll wear it down tomorrow aight?'
'Mmk! I'm sure kirumi would love to play with it'
'Yeah sure she would kiyo, can we sleep?' Mondo yawned, finding the head pats and hair playing very relaxing. 'Of course mondo' The younger boy said softly, lowering his voice. (I think taka is younger correct me if I'm wrong!)

(In the morning)

'Mondo...mondo! Sigh OWADA!' Kiyotaka shouted in his hall monitor voice. 'Mhm- IM UP WHAT?? GOD YOU SCARED ME ISHIMARU!'
'I'm sorry mondo! But I've been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes!'
'Oh really?!'
'Mhm, could you take care of kirumi for a few hours? I have a meeting with the principal!'
'Yeah yeah! Go do your fancy meeting stuff or whatever~'
'Thank you so much mondo!' Kiyotaka sighed, kissing mondo on the cheek as a thank you and running out the door, leaving his friend a flustered mess. 'I- huh- WHA-' mondo spluttered, blushing brightly.

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