Baby project!! ||togaleon||

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Okay so the babies are dolls, but they eat, drink, throw up and stuff like real babies if that makes sense. It may help to just imagine them as an actual baby.

If I use the word partner, it means for the project and not as in they are dating, unless they confess or something.

The whole class had to do the baby project to prove they were responsible enough to be able to choose their dorms and roommates for the next year, and Monokuma decided to choose the groups, much to most of the students dismay. Some were happy with their partners, others not so much.

One of the students that was not happy with his partner was Byakuya togami, the ultimate affluent progeny. The blonde had been assigned Leon kuwata, the ultimate baseball star who had a pretty promising career in the music industry, but was still a complete idiot in the heir's eyes. Everyone had to move in with their partner so of course Leon moved into togami's dorm.

Leon walked up to togamis dorm after helping his friends set up the stuff for their babies, hoping that togami was in a good enough mood to let him in. "Hey dude!!! Where's the kid?" The redhead asked, leaning against the doorframe. "She's sleeping, close the door." Togami grumbled. Leon could only see the progeny's hair as the rest of his face was covered with a book, but he assumed the taller was in a good enough mood to have a conversation.

The baseball star jumped on the bed next to togami and immediately got pushed onto the floor, but instead of sitting somewhere else he decided to sit even closer to the heir. "What do you want?" Togami sighed, snapping his book shut and holding his forehead with one hand. "Conversation with my co-parent and partner!"
"I am not your 'partner'!! Where do you get that idea from?!"
"I was assigned you as my partner for the project, Byakuya, did you think I meant a different type of partner?" Leon smirked, acting as if he hadn't meant to imply that the two were dating.
"No. I did not."
"Uh-huh, suuuure. Oo! Dude! We need to name the kid! Can we think of some names?!"

After a few minutes of arguing, togami reluctantly agreed that the two did need to think of names, and soon enough he started suggesting name ideas for their 'daughter'. The boys pulled out their phones and the two started brainstorming ideas together and researching meanings behind names. "Lena? apparently it means; light or ray of light," Leon suggested, looking up at his partner for the project. "It's....suitable. If the child is supposedly related to me then it's definitely the light in everyone's life."
"Perfect!! I like that name! It's close to mine!!"

(I'm sorry if that isn't accurate it's just what Google said it meant)

||time skip to like 10pm||

After getting Lena to finally fall asleep, the two decided it was time for them to get some rest too, they just didn't know where each of them would sleep. Togami would have just told Leon to sleep on the floor, but Monokuma said the heir had to at least try to be a little nicer to his partner otherwise he would fail. The bear had also 'forgotten' to put another bed in the dorm for the singer, so the only option was for Togami to sleep on the floor, obviously.

"Togami you cant sleep on the floor-!"
"I'd rather sleep in an active volcano then share a bed with you."
"Jeez. okay then, goodnight I guess."
"Goodnight kuwata." Togami sighed, rolling his eyes rather dramatically. Both boys eventually fell asleep, Byakuya on the floor with Leon on the very edge of the bed, his arm hanging off the side of the mattress.

||another time skip, 2:47am:||

Lena woke the two up in the early hours of the morning, wailing uncontrollably. Togami woke up first, rubbing his eyes and trying to find his glasses. Whilst attempting to adjust to his surroundings he managed to fall almost on top of his partner and wake him up. "AH!! WHO IS IT?! Oh, it's you Togami. Oh god, what is that noise?!"
"Oh. Uhm- I'm sorry, I cant see much, and that annoying sound is our baby."
"OUR BABY?! Oh, the project- hold on let me get the lights."

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