headcannons and stuff ||all||

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the picture is great Ik, I feel really bad for not posting a chapter so here's some headcannons and stuff! I've only watched/played dr1 so the ratings are based on that!

•Leon corrupted makoto and makoto sometimes gets drunk and acts like Leon

•Toko and syo ship Naegami after meeting Komaru (I literally only know she exists from wattpad so no spoilers or anything please of there is anything to spoil-)

•Byakuya 'loudly educates' homophobes and transphobes while mondo is being held back and calmed behind him by sakura, chihiro and taka and makoto is trying to calm everyone down

•Monokuma believes in lgbtq+ rights cuz despair is cool but he's a supportive headmaster to his students when he isn't trying to kill them or get them to kill eachother

•taka is really fast

•chihiro and makoto skip/run down the halls hand in hand and everyone thinks it's adorable for no reason

•togami hates mangos, he can't stand them

•mondo doesn't really like chocolate

•aoi likes broccoli

•yasuhiro and Leon like to get into detention and cause trouble for taka in detention, until taka gets mad (I might make this into a oneshot :D)

•most of them are scared when taka gets mad, even togami backs away slightly

•makoto plays music really loud and it's stuff like sweater weather or mr lover man
(sweater weather -the neighbourhood)
(Mr lover man -Ricky Montgomery)

Favourite character and ship ratings!

1. Yasuleon (hagakureon)
2. ishimondo (very close second tho <3)
3. Naegami
4. celesgiri
5. sakuraoi
6. Ikuzono

(This isn't entirely accurate and I think I missed a few! Don't hate on me if u have a different opinion please-)
1. Yasuhiro
2. Byakuya (could switch them two tbh)
3. Junko
4. Sakura
5. Leon & Taka
6. Makoto
7.  Syo
8. Kyoko
9. Celeste
10. Mondo (I love mondo I swear-)
11. Sayaka
12. Aoi
13. Mukuro
14. Chihiro (I love fanon chihiro but yeah)
15. Toko
16. Hifumi (I'm sorry, it's the anime girls thing, but other than that he seems like a cool character, I just didn't see much of him so I don't know enough to really rate him!)

This is an edit! I'm re-doing my character ratings so here we go! (These are mostly based off of the fanon versions of characters) please don't hate me:

1. Mondo
2. Byakuya
3. Taka
4. Hiro
5. Junko
6. Leon
7. Syo (but with no togami obsession, Ik that's their whole character but yeah)
8. Kyoko
9. Sakura
10. Celestia
11. Toko
12. Makoto
13. Sayaka
14. Aoi
15. Makoto
16. Chihiro (Hifumi could also go here, I feel like I misjudged him and he seems like a super cool character! I just like other characters more!)
17. Hifumi (I'm so sorry- he seems like an amazing character I just like others more-)

It seems as though I somehow forgot makoto here- I am so sorry I keep editing this chapter but my opinions change sm and I can't do anything until I change it-

Omg I changed my rankings again so yk-

Here, these are mostly fanon versions:
1. mondo
2. taka
3. Byakuya
4. Junko
5. Leon
6. Hiro
7. Syo
8. Celeste
9. Kyoko
10. Toko
11. Sakura
12. Sayaka
13. Mukuro
14. Aoi
15. Makoto
16. Chihiro
17. Hifumi

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