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Sorry- this story is going really fast- I promise it slows down.

.: 1 day later :.

"Thank you Sapnap.. I'm sorry too keep asking you to change me back and forth.." george rubbed his wrists as he looked at Sapnap.

"Yeah.. I just don't think I can do it anymore.." Sapnap huffed as he rested his arms behind his head.
"It hurts my arms."

"You don't have too change me anymore." George mumbled as he adjusted his cape around him, tying a knot to keep it on.

Sapnap raised an eyebrow.
"Don't you want me changing you back..?"

George shook his head.
"No, I'm leaving." He adjusted his side bag under his cape.

Sapnap furrowed his brows as he sat up.
"Does Dream know..?" He tilted his head confused.
"I don't want to deal with his pestering."

George felt tears prick his eyes.
"We broke up." He rubbed his eyes..
"He won't care much."

Sapnap looked at George confused and concerned.
"Why???" He cocked his head even more to the side.

George just shook his head.
"It's not important.. but can you hand these out.." he pulled out different letters... one for Sapnap himself, bad, skeppy, Karl... and Dream.

Sapnap took the letters.

"Please don't tell him.." George wanted a chance to leave.
"Give it too him in one day.." he weakly smiled.

"If he asks me.. I'm telling him the truth." Sapnap sighed as he looked down.
"I can't do that to him" he grumbled, feeling a slit twinge of guilt.

George nodded.
"If he does ask tell him I'm sorry.. but I need to find somewhere I belong..." he frowned as tears ran down his face.
"Apparently here is not.. nor was my colony.."

Sapnap had a faint nod... he knew what George meant... not feeling like he belongs..

"Please protect Karl and skeppy.." George rubbed his eyes as he adjusted his gear.

Sapnap rubbed his eyes an nodded.
"Good luck." He held the letters.

George had a faint chuckle.
"Tell them im sorry.." he turned and made his way towards the exit..

Sapnap nodded.
"Dreams not going to be happy.." he warned.

"I know.. but he has fundy.." George glanced back with a smile on his face.
"He will be fine." He adjusted the bag strap on his shoulder.
"I was only-.. a replacement for something missing." He had a hurt smile.

Sapnap just had a faint nod.
"He's not going to be the same.." he frowned, crossing his arms.
" he does care for you..."

"He will be fine... he was fine without me when I first met him.. he will be fine now.." George turned back towards the door and walked forward.
"He's always been fine without me."

.: Dream POV :. 4 hours later.

Dream hummed as he walked back inside.. he was out stress hunting all day and night.. he hasn't talked to fundy since his and George's argument.

He ran his hair stressfully through his hair... fuck.

He needed to talk to George... just enough to be on equal terms.... He didn't want to end terms like that..

As he was about to walk towards his room- Sapnap stopped him.. there was no use on going.

"He's not in there Dream."Sapnap mumbled as he looked up at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact.

.: A World Of Hell :. Dnf .:. Monster/giant x tiny au .:. READ THE INFO PAGE!Where stories live. Discover now