~Chapter 1~

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Theo walked into the school with his head down walking straight to his locker then pulling out his phone to text his best friends.

Group chat name: Besties🥰❤️💜🤪

Theo: where are you guys i'm by myself

Olivia💜: we are on our way bozo head over here didn't want to get out of the shower


Theo: Yeah yeah just get here already im getting lonely

Olivia💜: kk we are on our way

Theo: k bye

~ 5 minutes later ~

"Theooooooo" Oliver yells through the halls running towards him

"Oliverrrr" They meet each other and hug.

"You can't forget about me," Olivia said, joining the hug.

"Well let's head to class then Im excited" Theo said fast walking to class with the twins walking close behind him.

They get to their class and as soon as they go in they get stares. Theo frowns and puts his head down walking to his seat. The twins give the class a mean face and sit next to theo. The teacher walks in and starts to introduce herself making the class also introduce themselves. Theo hated talking in front of the class. He would always be shaking and his voice would come out with stutters but he would always look at the twins and they would give him a thumbs up knowing he was doing good and that would make him smile.

~Time skip because i'm lazy~

School ended and they were all walking home. They are walking in comfortable silence until Oliver broke it. 

" Are you gonna come over" He spoke looking over to theo

Theo looked at him and shook his head "No I'm kind of tired today so i'll just go straight to bed"

"Mhm okay well if you need us you know where we'll be" Olivia responded

"Mhm" Theo hummed

They arrived at their apartment and they bid their goodbyes. Their apartments are across from each other so they didn't live far.

Theo entered his empty apartment and walked to his room and then slowly closing his eyes, falling into a deep slumber. An hour has passed and theo woke up he checked the time "6:20" he read. Getting up and changing into comfy clothes, and then putting on his shoes and walking out going to the 7-eleven down his street.

Theo entered the store and saw a group of boys and girls. He entered the aisle and went to the ramen. He got his things and went to go get a drink but someone bumped into him and his things dropped.

"Watch where you're going!" the boy yelled.

"Excuse me?! You bumped into me so YOU watch where you're going!" He yelled back, Not gonna lie, he was a little scared.

The boy looked angry "Don't talk to me like that" so the boy punched him in the face. THe group gasped and ran to the two boys.

"OMG LUCA WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?" One of the girls yelled.

Theo was on the floor not getting up knowing that if he did throw a punch back he wouldn't win. The boy that punched him ignored the girl but looked at theo '"Get out of my way rat" he said walking over theo and exiting the store with the group.

There theo was on the floor with tears threatening to slip out. He got up and picked up his things walking to the cashier, placing his things down.

"You don't have to pay but you should go put some ice on it" The cashier spoke, theo looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you I'll come back and pay you" and with that he left and started walking home. He thought about what just happened and started to cry not knowing what he would say to his friends when they see him the next day. He arrived at his apartment and put ice on his cheek. After about 30 minutes he was feeling tired so he went to bed.


Hi :D so this is my first story ever. I have never really put one of my stories out before so i would appreciate it if you guys would share and support my stories if you enjoyed them. :] And this account is ran by two people and we work on theses stories together. <3 

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