~Chapter 8~

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*knock knock* Luca opened his door theos eyes widen

"Omg" Theo said under his breath 

"Do I look bad?" luca asked spinning around 

"No you look really good- uh- i mean you look nice" theo rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment 

"Thank you look good too" he said smiling "Lets go we don't wanna be late" theo nodded moving out of the way for luca to pass by

Theo sat in luca's car and drove off. They arrived pretty early so they just decided that they would stay in the car for a little. Theo going on his phone not knowing what to do

"Have you ever been to a party before?" luca said breaking the silence 

"No i haven't" he said back 

"Oh then this will be fun" Luca smirked 

Theo rolled his eye "I'll probably go home in an hour or two im not sure" 

"What no you have to stay the whole time" Luca fussed 

"No i'll probably be tired and fall asleep so i'll go home early i'll take an uber"  theo shrugged 

"No i'll take you home you'll be with me all night" He smiled big 

Theo blushed "oh ok then" he smiled back "let's go in now i see people" they got out of the car and started walking in.

There were a lot of people there. Theo panicked, holding on to lucas arm so he won't get lost. Luca smiled at himself when theo held on. Theo was hit with the hard smell of alcohol and he cringed at the smell. 

"Where are we going?" theo said still holding on to luca 

"Ima go to introduce you to the football team"He spoke. Theos eyes widen 

"What? Why? Are you crazy?" Theo let go of luca's arm. Luca turns to look at theo 

"WHat? Why? It'll be fun and if they don't like you then we can leave'' He gave theo a reassuring smile. Theo just nodded and held back on. After a while luca finally found the team 

"Hey guys this is theo my new friend please be nice to him, Theo these are my teammates, Jackson wang the one who is hosting the party, chad burger, and brandon pillow." Luca pointed to each team mate 

Theo awkwardly waved at them "Hi" He lifted up his glasses to see them better 

"Hi im jackson please enjoy the party if you need anything just some to me" He smiled. The other boys seemed drunk so they didnt say anything. Theo saw Luca talking on the phone, so he stood there awkwardly waiting for Luca to be done.

"So I'm going to be back ok? Just wait for me on the couch" Luca grabbed his hand and placed him on the couch. Theo didn't want to argue so he just listened.  After luca left theo went on his phone texting his friends or playing a game. 

~15 minutes later~

Luca still wasnt back and Theo was getting worried. So he got up and started searching, after 5 minutes there was no luck until he went outside and saw luca and a girl making out theos heart dropped , he knew they were not together but it still hurt. He walked away teary eyed. He bumped into jackson.

"Where's your kitchen?" Theo asked 

"Oh its over there"He pointed to the left 

Theo thanked him and left. When he entered the kitchen he was handed a red solo cup. He smelled it and it didn't smell like anything so he chugged it down. When he was done he made a disgusted face the alcohol burned his Throat. He hated the taste of alcohol but it was the only way of getting the picture of luca and the girl out of his head. He had like 9 more drinks and yes he was flat out drunk he couldn't even walk Properly. Luca was looking for theo but there was no luck. He finally saw theo playing beer pong and he was not walking right. Luca sighed and walked over to theo pulling him away.

"H-h-heyyyyyyyyy i was winning" Theo whined 

"   No you weren't and your coming home with me" Luca picked him up 

"No put me down I don't wanna go with you" Theo fussed trying to get down but luca held on stronger. They made it to Lucas' car and put theo in the back seat. Theo satt there then waited for luca to close the door then climbed into the front seat. Luca got in the car and didn't realize Theo was in the front seat. They drove to Lucas' house. Luca has now realized that Theo was in the front. Theo was awfully quiet and it scared luca. Luca opened the door and got theo out. 


Next chapters will update in 25 hours!

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