~Side story. "Vacation"~

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~Time skip~

"Ayooo what are we going to do on our 4 day weekend?" Tara asked

"I was thinking we could go on a trip somewhere" Jc thought

"That's a great idea but where?" olivia spoke

"Well my dad has a cabin out in the woods we could all go there" River suggested

"Wait, really your dad wouldn't mind?" Andy asked

"Of course not he doesn't care what i do" River shrugged

"Well great ill see you all tomorrow at olivia and olivers place, 7 a.m sharp" tara smiled

They bid their goodbyes and they all went different directions except the twins and theo.

"So, you've been in a really good mood lately" olivia said to theo

Theo nervously laughed "Have I?" he questioned himself

Oliver rolled his eyes "Of course you haven't noticed" Oliver pushed theo, He tumbled back.

"Hey don't push me!" Theo whined

Olivia sighed "I don't even know what to wear on the trip"

"I'm kind of nervous to go I have never been anywhere other than this town" Theo said going up the stairs

"It's ok we will be there and Luca will be there" Olivia smirked

"Shut up no one likes Luca" Theo said blushing

"according to my calculations you like Luca" she laughed

"Oop- she told you" Oliver chuckled, opening his front door "good night Theo sleep well and put an alarm remember what happened last time"

Theo jokingly rolled his eyes "yeah yeah I know but good night" he said before shutting his front door.

~ 6:30 a.m~

Theo woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm, groaning as soon as he woke up. He got up and took a quick shower, then did whatever he needed to do. He put his bags on the couch so he wouldn't forget them. By the time he was done it was 6:50. So he decided that he would head over to Oliver and Olivia's place with his bags. Olivia opened the door with a smile.

"Good morning" she smiled

"Why are you this happy at 7 in the morning?" He asked yawning

She smiled "Oh you know i'm just happy to go on a trip" she giggles, Theos eyes widen seeing luca walk towards them

He whispered to oliva "What is luca doing here?!" oliva tried to contain her laughter

"I don't know he just showed up" She said sarcastically, theo rolled his eyes "he's here for the trip silly he's coming with us they should all be here by now" she said going to the couch

Luca was just staring at theo "are gonna come in?" he asked Theo got butterflies

"Oh, uh yeah" He got his bags and walked in. Luca closed the door.

Theo sat in the love seat that they have, luca sat next to theo. His heart was racing not knowing why luca always sat next to him, maybe because of their kiss yesterday. Luca tried to hold theos hand but theo would always push his hand away, that made luca confused but he didn't say anything. Olivia was just watching them make a fool of themselves of course she knew they both liked each other it was obvious but she didn't say anything, she just watched everything. Did Olivia ship luca and theo? Of course she did, who wouldn't?

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