~Chapter 10~

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"Oooooo can we watch frozen i haven't watched that movie yet"

"what ? No! I am not watching no kids movie" luca gave theo a weird face

"Please i have been wanting to watch it" theo begged

Luca sighed and rolled his eyes "fine" theo had the biggest smile on his face

"Yayyyy!" Theo cheered.

Luca put the movie on. The two were on opposite sides of the couch. After 30 minutes of the movie there was a question that was about to kill theo.

"Who was that girl?" He blurted out without context.

Luca gave him a confused look "what girl?"

"The one i saw you making out with" theo replied

"You saw that?" theo nodded "oh that was no one...she's just a friend" luca simply said

"Friends make out?" theo questioned

"Well some d- wait why are you asking me these questions?" luca looked at him suspiciously

Theo shrugged and said "I don't know i was just curious" he turned back to look at the movie. Luca didn't say anything after that.

The movie ended and theo checked the time "1:00" he read. He got up and stretched

"Well i should get going" theo said

"Oh ok do you need a lift?"

"Uh no i could walk home" he smiled and headed towards the door.

"Mhm well bye i guess i'll see you at school" he waved goodbye. Theo did the same then walked away.

Theo arrived at his apartment at 1:15. He opened his door and went to his room. He closed his eyes but there was a sudden banging on his door.

"Theo let us in, we know you're in there!" Olivia banged. He got up and opened the door and the twins came rushing in "Tell us everything!" Theo was still in shocked

"Uh- um ok well uh we went to the party and that's all i remember" theo sat down

"Did you get drunk or did you fall asleep on their couch?" oliver started asking questions

"Um i got drunk so that's why i don't remember but i do remember luca making out with some girl he claims they were just friends of course i don't believe him" Theo rolled his eyes

"Aw i'm sorry theo i would have bleached my eyes after that site" Olivia laughed at herself

"Why are you saying sorry he's not my boyfriend" he sat back trying to get comfortable

"Did you drink a lot?" oliver asked

" I think i drank more than 5 drinks but i don't know what they were they didn't smell like anything" theo shrugged olivia shook her head in disappointment

"I need to teach you how to party" Olivia said "oh also we are having dinner here tonight" theo didn't care that they were staying he was actually happy.

They ordered pizza and they watched Bob's burgers. They at least watched a season and a half. It was now 8 0'clock and the twins were on the way out.

"Bye thanks for dinner see you tomorrow" Oliver said already at his door.

"Bye see you tomorrow" oliva said going to oliver

'Byeeee" Theo closed the door and went to shower, after his shower he went to bed.

The next morning he got up and got ready for school. He headed to the twins knocking on their door. Oliver opened it with a smile

"Good morning!" She said in a cheery voice

Theo looked at her weirdly, "Why are you so happy?"

"I really don't know" she said "Oliver is still putting on his shoes" She added rolling her eyes

"Mhm well i'll wait downstairs" theo said going to the stairs. He got downstairs and waited for them. After a while they came down "Sweet lets go" Theo said getting off the wall and started to walk

Theo arrived at school but this time Theo didn't care if people stared or were pointing at him he kept his head held high trying not to seem unbothered.


The very last chapter will be  updated soon!!!!<3

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