~Chapter 11~

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~Time skip~

It was lunch time and theo and the twins went to go sit with the others

"Hey theo can you go give these to luca? I won't see him later today" Andy asked handing him a stack of papers

"Oh sure, can I give these to him now?" he asked

"Sure" Andy said walking off

Theo went to go look for luca he heard lucas laugh but he knew he wasn't alone so he waited for lucas friends to leave but he heard an unexpected conversation.

"Dude why do you hang out with that theo kids he's so weird" one of them asked

"To be honest i'm just friends with him because i felt bad that he had 2 friends and my other friends became friends with him so i was kind of force to but if i wasn't forced too i would never talk to a loser like him" Luca said with no hesitation, Luca looks over to side seeing theo. Lucas' heart dropped not knowing Theo was there and heard everything.

"Isn't that the weird kid?" Lucas' teammates whispered.

Theos heart dropped, he couldn't breath, he was hurt. He dropped the papers from his weakening body.

"Wait, theo... no, it's not what it looks like" luca says reaching out for theo.

Theo ran and luca started chasing after him, they ran off the school grounds. Theo is running the way he walks home but With luca still running after him he tries to lose him.

"Wait theo stop!" luca says trying to talk to theo but theo doesn't want to listen

Theo tries to lose him down an alley but luca catches up and grabs theo. Luca pins theo against the wall, theo stays looking down not letting luca see his face .

"Theo stop, listen to me i- it wasn't true, i didn't mean it." luca says putting his hand up to theos face, Theo smacks lucas hand away

"Ha... you didn't mean it" theo says looking down still

"Then why did you say it so easily! Am I embarrassing to you? can you not stand the idea of people thinking we hang out?!'' Theo yells finally looking up at luca teary eyed. Luca had guilt written on his face seeing that theo was crying

"Ha.. that's what i thought, i'm going home and maybe we shouldn't talk anymore either... goodbye." Theo says walking away.. Luca stood there staring in silence

"I don't understand it either..." Luca says quietly, theo stops.

Theo: "..."

"I'm so confused. I don't know what to think anymore. I don't understand why I feel different every time I see you, why you mean so much more to me than anyone else, I don't know why I stay awake at night thinking about you.... But i do know..., i like you theo i like you a lot you're first boy i've ever liked" theo turned around with a surprised look.

"You like me?"

"Yes and it drives me crazy" luca said laughing, luca grabs theos hand and pulls him closer.

"And this one question I've been dying to know the answer to.. Do you like me too theo?" luca said with a serious face looking into theos eyes.

"I- yes i have for a while now.." theo chuckles, he looks back down

"I'm sorry for what I said. I never should've said that I didn't mean it.. Can you forgive me?" luca says lifting theos head up by his chin to look him in the face.

"Yes" theo says happily, luca leans in and shares a gentle kiss with theo. They look at each other after the kiss, smiling and putting their foreheads together.



This is our final chapter! We want to say thank you those to who read our story and writing this story was so fun. We'll have a sequel posted soon and start new stories too just like this one. so if you enjoyed this story follow us and keep up with our future posts. Thank You!! <3

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