~Chapter 4~

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~10 minutes later~

The door rang and I groaned. Tara got up and ran upstairs. A few moments later they came through the door.

"Guys this is Theo this is the boy that Luca punched" She said introducing theo

"Hi" He gave and awkward wave and smile

I just stared at him and rolled my eyes. I don't know what Tara sees in him. He just gets on my nerves like ugh. Theo didn't even bother to look at me like he's avoiding me>

"Luca come say hi" Tara said with a hint of annoyance

"No it's ok he doesn't have to and i don't want him to punch me in the face again" Theo simply said.

Gosh I hate him. I don't even know him and I still hate him. I walked over to him and stared at him right in the face

"Hi" I rolled my eys and walked away not wanting to look at his dumb face. I saw theo frown from the corner of my eyes. I walked out of the basement and walked to the living room Jc and blake following me

"Hey don't be so rude and at least try to get to know him" Jc said sitting down next to me

"No i don't want to and he just gets on my nerves for no reason"

"Thats because hes cooler than you" Andy replied

"Shut up andy you're not making this any better" Jc said

I sighed "Fine I'll try but I wont be nice to him" We got up and walked back to the basement when we entered the girls and theo looked at us.

"Nice of you to join us" River said

"Shut up" I told her

It's been an hour and I've been on my phone the entire time. Thos voice is so annoying. I yawned and got up.

I cut theo off "I'm gonna go home I'm tired so i'll text you guys tomorrow" I left.

~No ones pov~

Tara added theo to the group chat with Luca not caring what Luca would say

Group chat: loser❤️👹

Tara:hey so I added Theo because he's our friend now

Blake🥰❤️: mhm that's cool :D

River💅🌈: ight

Jc🍄🌹: ok let's hang out this Friday

Theo: hey yeah I would be down for that, can my friends come?

Tara: ofccccc add them to this gc


Theo added 2 people


Theo: Olivia these are my new friends

Olivia🧚‍♀️: oh hiiii :)

??: oh I'm here too hi I'm Oliver 👋🏼

Blake🥰❤️: HEY! We should all hang outttt

Oliver☺️🧛‍♀️: I'm down

Tara: Great, let's meet at the lunch tables on Friday :)

-end of group chat-

It was thursday and luca was walking to his friends but he saw theo and walked away going to his music class. His favorite class was music because he can play the drums there and he loves playing the drums. Theo on the other hand was happy that luca wasn't with them because he wouldn't have to be scared to say anything he feels bad for being in lucas friend group but at the same time he doesn't care. And it's been a week since Theo joined the group. The class bell rings and everyone scrabbles to get to class. Theo hated his next class because luca was in it but he didnt think luca would notice him so he shrugged it off.

"Ok class today you will have a project and i will be picking your partners" Their teacher spoke and the class groaned. "Yeah yeah the assignment is to create a song with your partner it can involve anything it could also be like a beat but its due next friday." She gave instructions. She started giving everyone a partner then she got to luca "Luca and.......Theo" she said giving a smile

"WHAT NO PLEASE MRS I DON'T WANT TO BE HIS PARTNER" Theo yelled from the back of the classroom

"Well that isn't very nice you wont be switching partners" Was the last thing the teacher said

Theo groaned wanting to evaporate Luca walked over to theo and sat down

"Look I don't want to be partners either so we'll just go to my place and get it over with and bring you an instrument." He told

"Alright, what can you play?" Theo asked

"I can play the drums you"

"I can sing and play the guitar" He said proudly

Luca was Dreading the moment. He played on his phone the entire time until class was over. Theo was walking to his locker when luca came up to him

"I'll text you my address and when we are done with this project you have to delete my number" He said sternly starting to walk away

"Whatever i don't want your number anyways" Theo said under his breath


Hello it's yugi again! next update is tomorrow, We will be posting chapter 5 & 6!

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