~Chapter 6~

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~No ones pov but with luca~

Luca sat in his basement thinking about theos singing and how he played the guitar.

"Ugh what is this boy doing to me" he thought to himself. He thought more and more about how cute he was, how his glasses fit perfectly on his face, the way he blushed when he did something or was embarrassed. Luca's eyes widen

"I LIKE THEO?" he screamed at the wall "hahahahahahaha this is funny brain but i don't like him i dont like boys but theos so freaking adorable and all i wanna do is protect him" he sighed "i guess i do like theo"

The two boys went to sleep comfortably knowing that they liked the boy that they hated .

~Next day saturday~

Luca threw on some clothes and walked out the door happy to see theo today. Theo on the other hand was having trouble picking out an outfit so he just went with an oversized hoodie and some jeans he rushed out to meet the twins and he couldn't hold it anymore he needed to tell somebody

" I like luca" he blurted

The twins eyes widened

"WHAT?!?!" tara said behind him

"Omg no tara you weren't supposed to know that" theo hid his face in embarrassment

"Its ok i wont tell him" she smiled hugging him

"When did you know" olivia asked

"Well a couple of events happened when we were alone" he said innocently

"Bro you made it sound like you did something dirty" oliver cried

" what? I don't understand" theo said

"Nevermind let's just go they are probably waiting" oliver said

They went to the place where they were meeting up. Theo hid behind Olivia not wanting to look at luca.

"Hide me from luca please" he whispered

"What? why? show him some affection so he gets the hint" she said trying to push him towards luca

"Stopppp what are you doing" he said panicking

"Theo your partner is luca" tara gave him an evil smirk

Theo gulped "ok" He smiled at luca "but um i don't know how to roller skate" he said shyly

Luca walked over to him and titled is chin up and smiled "its ok i can teach you love" Theos eyes widen

"St-stop with the p-pet names" he blushed madly

"Why don't you like them?" he frowned

"I do i mean i- i- uhhhhh i mean i don't care" theo said trying to play it off, he walked away to the rink he put one foot on the floor trying to keep it steady. He slowly put his other foot on but he was starting to wobble, he felt hands on his waist, he looked up and saw luca his face turned red.

"Be careful you might get hurt here hold my hands and i'll teach you" he held out his hands and theo took them.

They moved slowly for Theo in the Beginning but after a while he began to get the hang of it.

"Luca, look I'm doing it" He said laughing with a big smile.

Luca smiled at the boy in front of him, his feelings growing bigger " you are, i'm so proud of you" he said petting theos hair.

"Do I look like a dog to you?" theo asked with some sass

"Uh no?"

"Then why were you petting me like a dog" he rolled his eyes

"Because you looked so cute" Luca said not realizing what he said

"Uhvhjfgvguergiydsifgtrhtiergiy" Theo was at a loss of words, he just started saying things "you think i'm cute?!"

''Of course everyone thinks you're cute, who wouldn't?'

"Oh......" theo frowned wanting only luca to call him cute

"Hey why are you sad?" luca said pulling him by the waist to get theo closer to him bacilly hugging his waist

"I'm not sad i was just thinking" theo didn't realize luca was hugging his waist

"Oh ok" luca let go of his waist and got out the rank with theo close behind still wobbly


Chapters 7 & 8 will update tomorrow. Follow us to support and keep up with this story!

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