~Chapter 2~

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~Next day~

Theo woke up and looked in the mirror and saw a light bruise forming. He got up and put on his uniform and then did his thing. He walked out his apartment door and knocked on the twins door "Knock knock no answer so he did that a couple more times until he decided to call olivia.

*ringgggg ringgggg* x3

"Hello?" olivia answered

"Where are you?!" theo asked

"We are at school? Where are you?" She asked

"And you didn't have the audacity to tell me you were at school?" he respond 

"Oh sorry we wanted to be here before you and I kind of forgot to text you...hehe sorry" she apologized.

"Whatever i'll be there in a little" He said and hung up

He started walking to school and saw a familiar face so he took a closer look and it was the boy that punched him, his eyes widened and he started sprinting to school not wanting the boy to know he was there. He finally got to school and he stopped at the front and was panting.

"Are you ok?!? You look like you just ran a marathon, " Oliver asked.

Theo was still trying to catch his breath " I- uh- sorry- give me a second." he said between breaths.

"So? Why did you run here?" Oliver asked

"I saw someone i didnt wanna see" Theo said finally catching his breath standing up properly.

"OMG what's on your cheek" Olivia asked, getting close to his face then touching his cheek. Theo hissed and moved back a little.

"Ouch stop that, it was nothing i just hit myself with something" he said lightly holding his cheek

Oliva looks at him with a dumb founded face and grabs him by the shirt.

"You better tell ME WHAT HAPPENED!" Olivia shouted at him

"Fine! I got hit by some guy at a 7-11 yesterday"

"WHAT!?" She yells then she sighs, "theo, theo, theo, you need to tell us these things" Olivia says, still holding him by the shirt. 

"Yeah i know, can you let me go now....we have to get to class"

"Oh, right.." Olivia lets go of Theo's shirt. The bell rang so the three of them started walking to class.

~Time skip~

"So are you going to the football game?" Oliver asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah I don't see why not and I want to get out of the house more" Theo said walking next to the twins.

"Alright i'll see you at 4?" Olivia looked at oliver.

"Yeah see you at 4" he smiled and walked into his apartment.

~4 p.m~

Oliver was ready; he wore a pink turtleneck with black pants and black converse. He went outside and knocked on the twins' door Olivia answered

"Oh my god you look so cuteeee" she squealed .

"Thanks, are you guys ready?" he asked, looking into their apartment looking for oliver.

"Yes Oliver, not here he's waiting downstairs." she said closing and locking the door behind her

Theo nodded and started heading downstairs to Oliver; he saw him and ran up to him. They say hi and start walking to school talking about their weekend plans and places they should go. 5 minutes later they get there and sit in the middle row of the bleachers. The game starts and everyone is cheering. 30 minutes later it's halftime. The players took off their helmets and one player made Theos eyes widen....number 28. Theos jaw dropped number 28 was the guy that punched him in the face and the guy he saw Earlier.  


Hi This is the second chapter to our story i hope you enjoyed it! :] <3 Next chapter will be updated soon!

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