Chapter I - A new book

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A tall girl with chocolate brown hair, which was pulled into a ponytail, carelessly shoved the new book in between a thick book, and an average-sized book, in her bookshelf.

"Janette! Wake up!" Her mom called from the floor below her. 

"I'm up mom!" Janette yells back, looking at the book she just shoved into the bookshelf.

The book was a gift from her cousin, Lisa, which was a legend. Janette wasn't a big fan of ghosts, and thought that her cousin gifted it to her, just for the sake of annoying her.

She pulls out the book again, willing to take a look at the new book. She slams it on her table and flipped through it's pages.

"Janette! It's time for school isn't it? Get ready now!" A voice yelled, which Janette recognised as her mother's.

"I'm getting ready, mom!" Janette replied.

Janette gets her clothes, and walks away, leaving the book on the table, and the pages flip from the breeze from the window.


Janette walked into her classroom, suspecting that she was late. She wasn't sure, though, there wasn't any teacher there. She rushed to her bestfriend, Rosé — a girl with deep brown eyes and sandy blonde hair — and sat on a chair next to her.

"Wow, where are all the teachers?" Janette whispers to Rosé.

"I don't know either.." Rosé whispers back, shrugging.


Rosé gives Janette a 'how-is-that-cool?' look.

"What?" Jannete says as she opens her sketchbook to sketch something, which was her past time.

All she drew was a small circle, before she heard footsteps, indicating that the teacher had come.

"Didn't she get a better time to come?" Janette muttered as she closed the sketchbook and shoved it into her bag.

"Class, turn to page 96 on your books!" The teacher says, as Janette groans and flips through the pages of her book.

Later, the teacher left the room, after the bell rang.

"Now...Did you listen to everything? I miiight have zoned out when she was explaining the second topic," Rosé says to Janette.

"I listened to everything!" Janette says, a hint of pride in her voice. "Nah, who am I kidding? I didn't listen to it completely either," she continues.

"I should've known that," Rosé says.

School was over, it was boring, but Janette and Rosé got to see some drama in the lunch break.

Two guys were fighting over a sock, and as Janette and Rosé observed closely and giggled, another guy came in and took the sock, claiming that it was his. The day was hilarious, not to mention how the teacher couldn't find her glasses which were resting on top of her head.

At the end of the day, Janette leaned against a wall, and was deep in thoughts, thinking about how great the day was.

"What's up, Jannete?" Rosé asked, appearing in front of Janette..

"God," Janette replies with a smirk.


"Are you an atheist? Then ceiling," Janette cut off Rosé.

Rosé narrowed her eyes and flicked her bestfriend's head.

"Oww! That hurt!" Janette squeaked.

"I thought flicking someone's head wouldn't hurt,"

"Well now you know it hurts!"

"I was being sarcastic!!!" Rosé yelled.

"Kay, come to my house today. We'll gossip, but tell the others that we're studying," Janette says, lowering her voice.

"Woah!" Rosé says as her eyes lit up. Rosé may not seem like it, but she loves gossip, especially if it's from her bestfriend.

Rosé immediately changed her expression, from excited to worry.

"I am really sorry Jan, but I'll have guests at home today, and I really want to meet them..." Rosé says.

"That's good too, we'll get to know more gossip! Tomorrow, come to my house,"

"Okay?" Rosé says, clearly expecting a different answer.

"Kay, byeee!" Janette says and walks home, Rosé walking in the opposite direction.


Janette was bored, and didn't have the mood to sketch or do chores or anything else. At first she wanted to watch a movie, but she couldn't choose one. When she decided to sketch, she didn't know what to sketch. She was in the mood to talk to her friend, Rosé.

She sat on her chair, her elbow on her table and her chin resting on her palm. She was thinking, when a book caught her eye.

"The Ghost Girl," She read out the name, recognising it as the book her cousin, Lisa gave.

At first she decided to not read the book, because her cousin wanted to annoy her, and she would not let that happen. But, being the curious girl she is, she opened the book this morning, which she realised was a mistake, since the illustrations did not help Janette in avoiding the book, but only attracted her more.

She noticed that it was an average-sized book, but it had a good number of pages. The cover was well decorated too, but it wasn't really aesthetic, it was pretty scary because the book itself was a legend. The cover was grey, with a girl who looked like a ghost, and a pretty creepy tree behind the ghost.

She flipped through the pages, when a thought popped up to her mind. Her teacher came in a very bad timing, and told her to open page 96. She flipped through the pages, searching for the page 96, just because she was curious about it.

She opened it and that caught her eye. She was rubbed her eyes but it was still there.

"856 words"

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