Chapter VII- Home Alone (Part 2)

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Jennie stood there shocked at her reaction. Jennie was still looking at her. She notice it and looked at Jennie, still smirking. Soon, the unknown girl was so far that she was not visible.

Jennie walked away from there like nothing happened; even though it kept bugging her.

Soon, Jennie got to Jannete's house. "Ahh Yes!" She mumbles. She knocks on the door, and Jisoo opens the door and immediately hugs Jennie.

"Hey, Jisoo!" Jennie says, patting Jisoo's head.

"Hey, sis! I missed you..." Jisoo says, holding back her tears.

"Come on now! I'm here. Don't cry, okay?"

"Okay," Jisoo mumbles.

Jannete and Lisa also came to Jennie, but Jennie sees a familiar girl behind them.

It was Rosé, who was a friend of the four relatives.

"Rosé?!" Jennie practically yells.

"Hey!" Rosé says.

"It's been a lot of time since we last met!"


"So how have you been?"

"Good! Why don't you come and sit?"

"Yeah," Jennie says, before putting her suitcase in the room Jennie and Lisa are supposed to share. Then she comes back, and sat on the couch, next to everyone else.

"My mom and dad are not at home... We're home alone right now!" Jannete says.

"That means..." Jennie says.

"HORROR MOVIES NIGHT!" All the girls say, and giggle.

"Yaaaaaaaaay!" Jennie cheered.

"It's cold in here," Rosé says.

"I have sweatshirts for all of you! You all can take one!" Jisoo says.

The girls go up to Jisoo's room to take sweatshirts. Jennie thought they were pretty normal ones, but they were actually sweatshirts which were like costumes!

Rosé picked a fish sweatshirt, which was turquoise, and had patterns that represented fish scales.

Jennie picked a fairy one, It was a combination of pastel purple, pink, blue and orange. It also had clouds painted on it, with star sequins on it.

Lisa picked a sweatshirt that had puppy ears on the hoodie, representing a puppy.

Jannete chose one that had cat ears on its hoodie, representing a cat.

Jisoo was already wearing her unicorn sweatshirt.

There were a few other sweatshirts, but one caught Jennie's eye. It was a white one, it was very baggy, and was pretty long compared to the others. It had a greyish tint a little over it. It had red stains, representing blood. It was a ghost sweatshirt.

Jisoo saw Jennie observing it, and she said "Halloween is nearby so I bought that one. I'm going to wear it on Halloween,"

Jennie nods her head, all the girls turn around to go downstairs. Jennie could've sworn, that, from the corner of her eye, she saw the ghost sweatshirt sway a little. 'It's probably because of the air,' Jennie thought.

The girls go downstairs and Jennie chooses the movie. She is pretty good at picking these. Jannete brought popcorn for all of them.

They turn off all the lights, to make it extra spooky. The only light that was turned on was a small light at the corner of the room, it gave very less lighting, enough for them to see each other's faces.

Lisa sat to the left most of the couch, Jisoo sat to the right of her, Jannete sat next to her, Jennie sat to the right of Jannete, and Rosé sat to the right most of the couch.

(Lisa Jisoo Jannete Jennie Rosé)

Whenever a scary part came, Jennie, Jannete, Jisoo and Rosé would scream. Lisa just looks at the screen like nothing happened. Whenever they screamed, Lisa gave the other girls an 'its-not-that-scary' look. But it was very scary.

Halfway through the movie, Jennie got a genius idea. She snuck out of the couch, making sure no one would see her.


The girls were watching the movie, when the small light in the corner of the room turned off. The only thing they could see was the screen.

Jisoo held Jannete's and Lisa's hands because she was scared. All of them could see light coming from the back of them.

"Hey... Where's the light coming from? The light in the corner of the room is not this bright," Jannete says.

"I-I don't know" Jisoo says.

"Who's holding my hand? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Jannete yells, so loudly that the others had to cover their ears.

"Chill, it's me! Sorry if I scared you, though!" Jisoo says.

"How am I supposed to chill when we know we might be swallowed alive by ghosts?" Jannete asks.

"C'mon! The ghosts are only in the movies," Rosé says.

Suddenly, they hear sounds from where the lights coming from. They turn around and scream at what they see.


Halfway through the movie, Jennie got a genius idea. She snuck out of the couch, making sure no one would see her.

She needed to make it better this time. She got an idea, to which she thought 'Wow! This is an amazing idea!'

She went up to Jisoo's room, and removed the fairy sweatshirt. When she opened the closet, she saw a button, on the side walls of the closet, with a 'O' on it. She ignored the button because she thought that the button was none of her business. Unlike Janette, Jennie was not very curious about such things, or she thought so.

She wore the ghost sweatshirt that she saw earlier. She then came downstairs, carefully, turned off the small light in the corner of the room.

She turns on the flaslight of her phone and kept it under her chin, so, the light fell on her face. She went near the couch and stood behind the others.

They start talking about the light source, instead of looking back. Jennie narrowed her eyes. 'Aren't they supposed to look back? That's what people do in the movies!' She thought.

She start making creepy sounds, to get the girls' attention. 'Wow, I could actually get in a movie!' Jennie thought.

They turn around, look at Jennie and scream, causing Jennie to laugh. Jennie couldn't stop herself from collapsing to the floor and laughing.

"Ugh! I got really scared," Jannete says, rolling her eyes.

"That's what I wanted," Jennie says, trying to stop her laughter, and wiping tears that formed in her eyes from the laughing.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Janetet says, and Jennie sat down on the couch.

"Change your sweatshirt, otherwise, if I see you in it, I'll freak out," Jisoo says.


Jennie goes up and and changes into the fairy sweatshirt. She puts the ghost sweatshirt in the closet. This time, she noticed a little detail she has not seen before. A faint 'S' written with a shade of orange on it, on a red stain, which represented blood. 'Weird' she thought.

She saw the button again, but this time, her curiosty controlled her. She pressed the button.

"Tada! I made another chapter! 1131 words!"

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