Chapter II - Was it a dream, or was it true?

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WARNING: Chapter contains mentions of death.

Janette flipped through the pages, when a thought popped up to her mind. Her teacher came in a very bad timing, and told her to open page 96. She flipped through the pages, searching for the page 96, just because she was curious about it.

She opened it and that caught her eye. She was rubbed her eyes but it was still there. It was her name!

She was very scared at what happened. She still couldn't believe it, so she thought that she was seeing things. She went downstairs to drink some water, just in case. Unfortunately, she slipped on on of the stairs and fell down.

"Sister?! Are you okay?" A voice said, which Janette recognised as her younger sister, Jisoo's.

Janette carefully got up, with Jisoo's help, and Janette nodded.

"I'm good," Janette said and walked into the kitchen.

Janette walked into the kitchen and gulped down a big glass of water. She rubbed her temples and walked back to the staircase, Jisoo was still there.

"What, lil sister?" Janette asked.

"Can I borrow the novel you showed me last week?"

"Nah ah, hun! You need to give me the novel you borrowed from me, the other day, in order to borrow another novel!"

"Fineee," Jisoo says, and walks away.

Janette waits patiently for her, and sits on a couch. Jisoo returns, with a book in her hand. Jisoo hands to book to Janette.

"Here," Jisoo says.

"Thanks. Get the novel yourself, it is on the table in my room, upstairs," Janette says.

"Thank you!"

Jisoo goes upstairs, when Janette recalls leaving the book there. The book, "The Ghost Girl,". Instantly, Janette rushes upstairs, and spotted Jisoo looking on her table for the book. She rushes to Jisoo, and gives her the book she asked for.

"Here," Janette says.

"Wow, I thought you were lazy, and that's why you told me to get it by myself," Jisoo says, taking the book.

"I didn't want you to take the wrong book,"

"Don't worry, I won't take your diary or anything," Jisoo winks, and leaves.

"Ugh! She's so annoying, unlike her real personality honestly," Janette rolls her eyes, and mumbles.


Later that day, Janette wanted to take another peep at the book, therefore, she rummaged through the pages. She stopped at the last page, which was 94. 96 didn't even exist.

She was shocked. Too shocked.

"What the?! Was it a dream, or was it true?!" She whisper-yelled. She could make out one thing - This book is not like any other. It definitely had something. She decided to read it, even if it would be a mistake.

"In the west part of Japan, Rosaria Williams, lived peacefully in a mansion. Her father died when she was young, so she lived with her mother and younger brother.

Her mother was pretty rich, so Rosaria lived a luxurious life. But, she still wasn't an admirer of wealth, but it wasn't like she avoided riches.

Once, when she was going to school, she encountered a crime, a murder. Luckily, the criminals didn't notice her.

Rosaria was seriously traumatized after seeing what had happened, she didn't know if she had to tell it to someone, or she had to do something about it. She had gone insane one day, and soon died.

A few days later, in the south part of Japan, a boy claimed that he had seen Rosaria, who had died a few days back. He also stated that "I saw a girl named Rosaria, sitting in the corner of my room, in the shadows, staring at me. She also was disturbing me, asking 'What would you do if you saw someone murdering someone else? Would you go insane?'. She also scared me at times, making creepy sounds. She even told me stories of her life at times,".

The news was spread around the country, like wild fire. Many people said that Rosaria has become a ghost, and others said that the boy was either lying, or had a mental illness, and suggested to get him checked up.

Soon, the boy was dead in his room. They found out that he had written a letter to Rosaria saying "Rosaria, Please leave me alone. Please don't kill me because you have died,".

Few people still believed that Rosaria has become a ghost. Besides, how could the boy who lives in the south part of Japan, know about a girl in the west part of Japan?

Few people said that he was extremely insane, that he ended up killing himself.

But, to everyone's surprise, this wasn't the only case. Many similar cases of Rosaria happened all around the world, the most recent one being in Asia."

"Pfft, like I believe it," Janette mumbled.

She glanced at the wall clock.

Tick, Tick.

'Welp, I better head to sleep,' Janette thought.

Janette turned off her table lamp, and tucked herself in bed. She rolled over, squeezed her head in the pillow, but she still couldn't sleep. She was thinking about the story.

Tick, Tick. The wall clock sounded. She looked at it, curiously. 'It can't be true...right? If it wasn't then why am I getting vibes that she'll come today?' She thought. She got out of bed, and probably tire herself so she could sleep.

"860 words"

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