Chapter XI - Dreams

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Janette was enjoying her cupcake which was glazed to look like a ghost; at the Halloween party. Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo were at the Halloween party too, Lisa and Jisoo were dancing, and Jennie was eating, while Rosé was running late.

The music was blasting loudly, you couldn't hear each other — until they talked loud enough — and people still talked.

Janette's attention diverted from her cupcake to the entrance of the party, when she noticed someone enter. To her surprise, it was Rosé — wearing a chicken costume to the party. 

"Rosé?" Janette called out.

"Hey, Janette!" Rosé said as she walked to Janette.

"Why are you wearing a chicken costume?"

"Heheh, I just wanted to,"


"Let's go dance," Janette said, and put the last piece of cupcake in her mouth, and rubbed her hands against her shirt.

"Sure," Rosé said, taking a cupcake of her own.

They walked to the dance floor and started dancing. Janette was spinning her head roughly, her hair spinning along with her head, while Rosé danced gracefully.

"I have to use the washroom, be right back," Rosé abruptly said, and walked away after Janette nodded.

Janette continued to dance; a few moments later, Rosé came back running and panting.

"What happened?" Janette asked, worry written all over her face.

"Come here!" Rosé said, pulling Janette along with her.

"What?" Janette asked.

"Just come!"

They walked to a room — where the music was no longer as loud — and saw a girl, leaning on a wall and her head lowered, and looked a little younger.

"She has some important information!" Rosé said to Janette.

"Okay! Don't tug me!" Janette whispered-yelled to Rosé, glaring, and released her dress' sleeve from Rosé's grip. "Hey! Rosé said you had some important information..." Janette talked to the girl, pointing to Rosé.

The girl adjusted her position to stand straight and look at them, no longer leaning on the wall. She smiled at them and paused for a moment, observing Rosé's and Janette's features.

"Oh hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Disguised Bunny! Or you can just call me DB!" The girl said, stretching her hand out for Janette to shake it, and adding a small chuckle at the end of her sentence.

"Oh hey DB, I'm Janette," Janette replied, shaking DB's hand. "And I'm Rosé," Rosé continued.

"Oh, I know!" DB replied, adjusting her glasses, leaving Janette and Rosé in surprise.

"How do you- That's not important. Anyways, what's the important information?" Janette asked.

"Oh that? I wanted to say that; the ghost — Rosaria — will haunt you only if you have that book — The Ghost Girl — with you," DB said, to which Rosé and Janette exchanged glances.

"How do you know about Rosaria?!" Janette nearly yelled.

"I just know," DB said, smirking. After seeing Rosé's and Janette's confused expressions, she walk away, and none of them bothered to stop her, to ask how she knew Rosaria.

"Beep Beep Beep," Rosé started talking.


"Beep Beep Beep! I can't control it, my- Beep Beep Beep!" Rosé cut off Janette.

Janette rolled on her bed, and her eyes shot open, that's when she realised it was all a dream. She turned off her alarm that was very loud, which made her uncomfortable. 'What a weird dream!' She thought, stretched her hands and yawned, very ungracefully. She got out of bed and glanced at her calendar, her eyes widening when she realised it was Halloween. She ran downstairs and went to Jisoo's room and saw Jisoo already awake. Janette went to Jennie's and Lisa's room, and yelled at them until they woke up.

"Wohoo! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" Janette yelled running all over the house, excited.


Janette adjusted her black-and-white wig, looking in the mirror. She grabbed her dalmatian toy, and walked downstairs.

"Uhh, Janette? Are you sure we have to go trick-or-treat-ing?" Jennie asked, looking at the baseball bat she was holding — for the Harley Quinn costume.

"We're never too old for trick-or-treating," Janette said, petting her dalmatian toy.

"I agree, for once," Lisa said, taking a glimpse and Janette to see her sticking out her tongue and making a weird face at Lisa.

"How do I look?" Jisoo asked, twirling in front of the mirror, and facing at the others to show them her dress.

"You look great!" Jennie said, smiling.

"Aww, thanks!" Jisoo said, rubbing a spider-hairpin — which she clipped onto her witch hat — out of slight nervousness.

"Let's go trick-or-treat-ing, probably with Rosé, and then we all go to the party, got it?" Lisa said, looking at each of the girls' faces.

"Got it," They said in unison.

They all walked out of the house, each holding a basket that looked like a carved pumpkin. They walked to a house, which was decorated with Halloween stickers — like pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons and what not! — and a few toys, which were placed in the garden.

The girls walked past the garden lane, careful not to ruin the plants or decorations. They walked to the porch, and Jennie knocked on the door. The door soon opened, and an old-looking women answered the door. She wore a lavender dress, which looked modern, yet suited her. Her black hair which turned white — from old age, was pulled into a neat bun, and she wore a necklace to finish the look, she looked pretty decent. She smiled at first, but frowned slightly when she looked at the four girl smiling at her.

"Trick or treat!" The four girls said in unison.

"Aren't you a little too old for trick or treat?" The old women asked, tilting her head.

"We never grow old for trick or treat," Jisoo says, shaking her head a little.

"Okay then," The old woman said, chuckling lightly.

"Thanks! Happy Halloween!" The four said after the old woman gave all the four chocolates.

"Happy Halloween!" She smiled as the girls walked away.

"Wow, she gave each of us 5 chocolates each," Jennie said.

"I know right!" Janette says, her eyes sparkling.

"I can't wait to eat all of this!" Jisoo said, looking into her basket.

"Wow, cool down. You'll have to wait for that," Lisa said, walking carefully.

The four walked through the street, walking in the dim street lights, it wasn't very late, but it was still dark.

"Hey yall, missed me?" A voice from behind said.

"1009 words"

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