Chapter X - Haha, Gotcha!

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(This chapter has a minute detail of a spoiler of the whole plot)

'Next up, Lisa~' Janette thought.

Janette walked near Lisa's room, a smirk painted on her face. She carefully leaned against the wall next to the door, and peeped into Lisa's room.

No one.

She looked around the room but found no one, she was pretty sure she saw Lisa walk into her room. She raised a brow and walked into the room. She walked in and looked under the bed, in the closet, but didn't find Lisa.

"Where is she?" Janette mumbled, and decided to go back to her room, that's when she realised that the door was closed shut.

"Oh no!" Janette said and walked to the door, and tried to open it.

It was locked! Janette tried again and again, her eyes widened in shock, she was drifted into thoughts. What if it was Rosaria again, doing this?


Janette sat down on the bed after a few failed attempts of opening the door and knocking to let someone know that she was inside.

She sighed and wiped a drop of sweat that formed on her head. She didn't want to deal with Rosaria. But she didn't recollect anything she knew about this girl named Rosaria...

She heard a sound from the door, to which she looked at it. She then smiled, knowing that whoever locked it, has opened it. She walked to door and opened it, and saw someting, to which her eyes widened in horror, and she flinched.

Outside the door was Lisa, who was wearing a ghost mask, that was barely scary. It was a white mask, with droopy black eyes, and a black mouth stretched open, it was a GhostFace mask.

"Haha, Gotcha!" Lisa yelled.

"Youuuu!" Janette yelled.

"It's you who plans jump-scares on everyone. But today, the tables have turned!" Lisa said, putting her hands on her hips, recieving a pout from our protagonist.


Janette frowned, she was the one who planned jump-scares, but today, Rosé and Lisa jump-scared Janette. At first she planned a few more jump-scares, because she wanted to. But later, she decided not to, because she did every year.

 Jisoo has also recovered, so it was time for them to pick costumes!

Janette pulled a book, in which she wrote ideas for halloween costumes. She flipped through the pages, pointing at every costume name with her index finger, and moving to the next one if she didn't like the idea.

"I could be a witch, but it's too boring, everyone uses it," She muttered.

"Maleficent? I don't know..."

"An angel? Nah,"

"Cruella de vil! Of course! Disney always gives me good ideas! Plus, I love that black and white hair!" (Don't copyright me lol)

She decided to dress up as Cruella, and also carry a dalmatian toy. This was going to be an amazing idea.


"Jisoo? Jennie? Lisa?" Janette yelled, running downstairs.

"What?" Three voices chorused, Jisoo's head popping out of her room, to look at Janette. The other two didn't peep outside, because even if they did, they wouldn't be seeing Janette due to the alignemt of the room.

"I choosed a costume for Halloween, did yall choose?" Janette yelled.

"No," They said.

"What do you mean you didn't choose? Halloween is tomorrow!"

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