Chapter IV - Who was it?

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"Janette?" A sweet voice called. There was no way a ghost had such a sweet voice, but our protagonist thought it was a ghost.

"Who?!" The tough girl yelled. "Are you Rosaria?" She whispered.

'Oof! Why is this stupid Rosaria always in my mind? It's so annoying!' She thought. 'But wait. Who on earth is calling my name?' She continued her train of thoughts.

"Who are you?!" Janette yells, her eyes slightly widening.

"It's Lisa! Open the door, my legs hurt from standing for a long time," The sweet voice replied.

Janette smiled, and gently opened the door. Lisa was greeted with warm hugs.

"I forgot that you'd come today. And mom gave me the responsibility of opening the door when you come," Janette said, smiling slightly.

"Not like it's the first time you forgot," Lisa said, rolling her eyes, but still smiling, and in return, she received a pout from the stubborn girl.

"Kay, but why didn't Jennie come?" Janette asks.

"She has a few tests, she said she'll message or call me when she's going to come,"

"Oooh, cool!"

"Fine, you can go sleep. I'll go fresh up and sleep," Lisa says, hugging janette once more.

Janette nodded and went up the staircase, and then into her room. She plopped onto her bed, and relaxed herself. She didn't sleep pretty well, though, as a result of thinking about the weird incidents which happened today.


The next morning, when Janette woke up, she stretched her arms and let out a yawn. Her chocolate brown hair was out of place, and she looked clumsy. She didn't bother to be graceful while stretching her arms, or yawning, or getting out of bed.

She glanced at the mirror, willing to take a look at herself. But, looking at the mirror, Janette freaked out, flinched and frowned.

"Woah! Chill! I just got dark circles," She calmed herself. It was a good jumpscare, though!

She started thinking, and she figured out one point. The weird incidents took place after opening the book that Lisa gave her, "The Ghost Girl,". Did the book have something to do with it? Was the book cursed? She decided to talk to Lisa about the book, just in case. Keeping it a secret wasn't a good idea. Thinking of this, Janette walked downstairs.


"Jaaaanette?" A voice called which Janette recognised as Jisoo's.

"What?" Janette asks, rolling her eyes at the mischievous tone Jisoo was using.

"I hope you don't mind if I got your book torn..." Jisoo says, holding up a book, that Janette let her borrow. One page of the book was torn.


"Calm was an accident... but, I can fix it...I have tape..." Jisoo says, nervously giggling.

"I want it back, all fixed!" Janette yells at the petite girl.

"Okay, okay! Calm down," Jisoo says and walks back to her room to get it fixed, and Janette walks to Lisa's room.


"Liiiiisaaaaaa!" Janette called out, leaning on the doorframe of Lisa's room.


"Can I talk to youuu?"

"Don't you have school now?" Lisa asked, receiving an eye roll from the brown-haired girl.

"Why do you have to talk like my mom? Anyways, today is Sunday if you didn't know," Janette said.

"Oh right," Lisa said, letting out a nervous laugh.

Lisa was quiet for a moment, arranging her dresses into her cupboard.

"It's important," Janette added, just in case.

Lisa sighed, and looked at Janette.

"What?" Lisa asked.

"So..." Janette said, walking towards Lisa and sitting next to her on the bed. "Lisa, that book you gave me, it's cursed," She continues.

"Book that I gave you?" Lisa asks, raising a brow.

"Yeah, the weird book with the ghost girl on it, it's name "The Ghost Girl", I don't know what kind of author writes those weird things though,"

"What? I never gave you such a book? Are you alright?" Lisa asks, a confused expression written all over her face.

"Huh?! But you gave me the book last week right?"

"Last week? It's been like a month since a last bought books,"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been saving my money for a new laptop,"

"But last week, someone delivered me the book,"

"It must be the wrong address,"

"But my name was written on the package!" Janette says, clearly confused at what was hapenning.

"But I didn't give you such a book!"

"What do you mean you didn't give me the book?" Janette asks, confused.

"744 words, trust me next chapter will be longer"

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