Chapter III - Awake at night

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Tick, Tick. The wall clock sounded. Janette looked at it, curiously. 'It can't be true...right? If it wasn't then why am I getting vibes that she'll come today?' She thought. She got out of bed, and attempted tire herself so she could sleep.

She walked downstairs, and she didn't trip this time. She was roaming through the house, blinded by the darkness. Thank goodness, she didn't trip on the stairs, but no-thank-goodness, she ended up hitting her head on the wall.

"Ouch!" She yelped. "Hey, wall are you insane? When did you get the guts to hit me?" She yelled at the wall, and kicked it.

(Author: Poor wall! Are you alright?

Wall: No I'm not! This girl hit me twice, and she's yelling at me?! I should be the one yelling at the her! See where you're going! And, how dare you kick me?! You kicked my stomach!

Author Wow! You have a stomach?!

Janette: SHADAP! Author, poor wall huh? I think you're insane too, get yourself checked up. My head is paining a lot, okay?

Author: Don't you dare scold me, I'm the author of the story :)

Janette: Bu- Fineee


She turned around, her eyes close shut - so she could bear the pain - and put a few steps forward. Through the window, she saw a silhouette of a girl.

"Who on earth is that?" She whispers. She rubs her eyes, still the same. The walks closer to the window and looks through it. The silhoutte was of a girl, who looked around Janettes age. Janette couldn't make out the perfect features, though, except brown hair and bangs. She was pulling a suitcase with her.

"Maybe someone's moving into a house here," Janette says, and shrugs.

She went into the kitchen to drink some water, as she got very dehydrated, after which, she was going to the staircase, which leads to her room. "Pfft, Rosaria? She doesn't exist!". Somehow, it scared her very much for a story, but she didn't admit it. She wanted to head to her room, but she sat on the couch unwilling to sleep, thinking.

She opened a book, a novel, out of thin air - which Rosé gifted her - to read it. The stubborn girl had a big book-case of books, but almost none of them were bought by her. The keyword is almost.

She walked towards a table, and turned on the table lamp and started reading it. She was a bookworm, but never admitted it. It wasn't the first time she was reading at night, - probably the reason why she completes reading books in less than a month - under the light of the table lamp.

She flipped through the pages, and read it carefully, imagining it. The favourite part of the book is that, the mc's name was Janette. The part of the book she dislike was, the antagonist's name was Janette too!

She frowned whenever she read about the antagonist, and her eyes beamed whenever she read about the mc. Soon, the not-so-sweet girl fell asleep.

She woke up to the sound of soft cries. She looked around the house, to find out that the sound was from Jisoo's room. She walked into Jisoo's room, to find Jisoo crying. She walked to Jisoo and hugged her.

"What happened?" She whispered, hugging her.

"I-I got a nightmare, it was very scary, I l-lost you in it," Jisoo whispers back. Janette smiled at the petite girl, she loved the fact that Jisoo cared so much for her.

"You'll never lose me. Never," Janette said, and Jisoo hugs her tightly. Janette was pretty tough, and wasn't all emotional, but she cared, and loved for her sister a lot, she was emotional for her, for Jisoo.

"Now, go to sleep," Janette said, ruffling Jisoo's hair.

"Okay," Jisoo mumbled, and released Janette, she then felt asleep pretty quickly, and Janette watched her sleep. She, then, came back to the main hall.

"Janette?" A sweet voice called. There was no way a ghost had such a sweet voice, but our protagonist thought it was a ghost.

"Who?!" The tough girl yelled. "Are you Rosaria?" She whispered.

'Oof! Why is this stupid Rosaria always in my mind? It's so annoying!' She thought. 'But wait. Who on earth is calling my name?' She continued her train of thoughts.

"709 words, sorry for the short chapter!"

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