"bitch alert"

911 53 3

I got up in a dark room obviously I couldn't see anything but their were noises . Noises of people shouting in the distance..

I feel thirsty and weak..my hands and legs are again tied to a chair , and again I was trying to get them off but nothing happened. My vision went at a corner of the room .

How do I know their is a corner ?.

Because I saw red small dots of lights which belongs to a camera...

That bloody karan is watching me , only if I could open my hands and show my middle finger to the camera.

A bright light came from my right side as a door was opening. And inside came a silhouette of a man. God I can watch him smirk even in the dark..

He came towards me and held my chin tightly

"You are worthless "he said with gritted teeths and threw my face to the side.

"Then why the fuck did you tried to marry me "he ran to the wall and turned on the lights..

The blinding light crashed on me and I saw a dark room again not because I can't see anything but because it was actually dark.. dark walls , dark wooden gate , even the chair was a dark black That I was honouring with my presence..

And the person in front of me was dark too..from inside..

He came near me and caught handful of my hair tightly in his grip and a frustrated sigh left his lips..

"You wanna know why I wanted to marry you ?" I just eyed him

"Because he wanted you and I don't give him what he wants." I got confused on hearing this , who wants me ?

"What are you talking about" he smirked and left my hair.

"So you don't even know what you have goten yourself into " I so badly wanted to get to him and beat him to pulp..

"Don't worry darling I will tell you soon but for now I have a work to do" ..


And he slapped me hard.. so hard that he was shaking his hand after hitting me..

"Don't you try to be clever and do anything wrong right now , behave yourself and don't you dare run." Saying this he left me alone in the dark room ..

Tears slowly came to my ears and soon to my cheeks..

Not because I missed someone...

But because That slap hurts like a bitch ... Damn..

Who was karan talking about who wants me and what is his problem if anyone wants me ?

The room to my door opened again and this time came a nice looking lady haven't I seen her somewhere..

Fuck she is the one who dhruv was seeing isn't she.. that red bull..

"Oh I see you recognised me" she came and stood beside me.

Bitch alert I repeat bitch alert.

"Oh poor baby don't worry I won't hit you like karan and don't mind him he just a bit agressive when he see anything littering around " I averted my gaze from her to a beautiful looking black wall ..


She kicked the leg of my chair and the chair fell on the ground ..An inaudible whimper left my lips.. these bloody people will kill me..

"Answer me bitch." She fired at me..

"Can't you see I am floccinaucinihilipilificating " I tried to get up but this damn chair..

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