"surprise surprise"

830 52 2

I woke up laughing.. Why ? Because chacha was tickling me..

"Stop it Hahaha st..stop Haha it" he finally stopped and we both hugged each other... I mean he hugged me and I kept my head on him...these ropes..ugh.

"Good morning chacha " I wished him smiling.. and my cheeks were hurting..

He raised his hand and cautiously stroked my cheek

The gate opened and their came my favorite timepass..

"Hey bitch how are you and your disgusting monkey" she rubbed her nails with a scrubber..

"Where the fuck is your off button " I asked her patiently...

"Bitch who do you think you are ?" She gritted her teeths ..

"Obviously gravity because I'm gonna pull that ego of yours couple of noches down to earth.." chacha climbed on my shoulder..

She was about to hit me when the one and only karan malhotra came in with a million dollar smile on his face to rescue me , my knight in shining armour..

Note the sarcasm.

"Hi darlings.." he put a hand over sia's shoulder..

"Oh my god what are you doing here who left your cage open....your zoo keeper must be wondering how you got out of your cage.."he smirked...

"You are a worthless bitch your opinion doesn't matter " he kissed sia's forehead after saying this... Damn I would have averted my eyes to give them privacy but I averted my eyes to give my eyes some rest..

When they were done.. they Sat in front of me..

"Ohk so I know we are giving you a little trouble till now but today is a special day and we both are really happy and we will let you eat what ever you want today so here is your...." He indicated someone to come in .and a guard barged in with a trolley of delicious food..

Cakes , sandwiches , risottos , tacos and what not even bananas...

"Well my inner soul thinks you have serious mental problem.." I eyed him and he rolled his head ..

"Listen we won't we here all day so we thought to give you this that's it " he very politely smiled at me..

"I feel so miserable without you .. its almost like having you here " I batted my lashes at him...

     Ignoring me they both turned and hand in hand walked out.. and me I am locked in..

Chacha jumped from my shoulder and went to the trolley.. he picked up a banana and started eating .. I laughed at his antics..

No no no its not time for laughing.. its time for our plan to start... I checked for the camera.. and it was still on..

"Chacha come her and bring that piece of cake with you ...I am hungry " he picked the cake and came to me..

" Chacha listen to me ohk we will be going out now we will be free in some minutes ohk all you have to do is throw that cake on the camera..there" he turned and saw thr camera.. and threw the cake in the direction of the camera..and ladies and gentlemen it was a brilliant shot..

"Well done buddy " I undid my loose ropes...and stood up stretching my back , my neck , and what not...they hurt like hammer..

"Lets go.. " I suddenly heard the door clicked open.. but no one came inside.. I cautiously opened the door and saw that thin boy standing their indicating me to come out..

I went inside and picked up chacha he was holding three bananas .... I went outside and saw that boy holding a iron rod..he gave me the rod.. I raised my eyebrows.. he just nodded and went from their...

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