Its a love story baby just say yes

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Mikey hadn't seen Ray in years

He had almost forgotten about him


He and Ray had always been closer than anyone else in the band. Even closer than Gerard and Frank.

"Mikey is that really you?" Ray said, a little louder this time

"Hi Ray" Mikey replied

They just stared at each other for a while, neither knew what to say.

Ray was the first to break the silence

"What happened to you Mikey?"

He was met with more silence

Mikey didn't even know where to start

"A lot" he finally said

"Let me help you out of there"

"No" Mikey replied very quickly


"I uh....I just can't"

Ray just stared at him with a puzzled look

"Okay.....well what have you been up to? Can you at least tell me that?" he said

"Just..hanging out?" Mikey replied

"Just hanging out huh? For 10 years? Not thinking to contact any of us?

"I guess so...."

Ray started to get frustrated. Mikey just disappears one day without a trace and doesn't say a word to anyone and now that Ray had finally found him he won't give any explanation? Where has he been? Why won't he talk about it?

"Seriously man let me help you out" Ray said again

"I really can't i'm serious" Mikey said sternly

"Mikey what's going on with're acting really weird" Ray replied, a bit taken back by Mikey's sudden outburst

"I...Ray I-"

"Just spit it out Mikey you're acting so strange"

"Alright..." Mikey sighed

"Do you remember back in the day, how much I loved Ed Sheeran?" he said after a minute of silence

"How could I forget" Ray laughed

"Well....the day I went know how Gerard called me outside because he wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah...." Ray replied

"Gerard was upset with me. He told me my Ed obsession had gotten out of hand and made me choose between Ed and the band"

Ray stared at him with a confused look on his face

"And when I chose Ed...he got really upset" Mikey said

"What happened then Mikey?" you could hear the concern in Ray's voice

"Gerard he..." Mikey started to tear up

"He picked me up and threw me in the lake...knowing I couldn't swim...he wanted me dead Ray. My own brother...wanted me dead"

"Oh Mikey im so sorry" Ray was beginning to tear up too, he couldn't imagine Mikey's pain.

"Wait but....if you couldn't did you survive?"

"Im honestly not sure either....I closed my eyes and when I opened them....I was this.." Mikey slowly started to come closer to Ray so he could see more of his body, scales and all.

Ray was in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Mikey had scales? And a tail? What was going on?

Those were his last thoughts before his surroundings started to go black and everything turned into a big blur.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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