Chapter 7

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The next morning, David is the first to wake up. He gets up, trying not to wake George up, and goes to the kitchen. He starts preparing breakfast for the both of them. He tries to make pancakes but he burns his hand during the cook.
He goes to the bathroom and starts to heal his hand. Suddenly, George comes in, worried and asks:
"David! You alright? What happened?"
"Yeah I'm alright. I just burned my hand while trying to make pancakes." David answers.
"Wait! Let me help you!"
As soon as they finish healing David's hand, George decides to do breakfast himself.
"Here, you should eat!" Says George, smiling.
"Thank you."
When they were done eating, they decide they'll spend their day to do nothing. They'll just sit on the couch and play games or watch TV.
On the TV, there is nothing really interesting. Since the brexit, everything changed. They don't broadcast any good TV series anymore. Even the BBC has been abolished. It no longer exists.
At midday, they receive a letter which is saying:

"Zulu Hotel - Quebec Hotel Hotel Golf - Whiskey Romeo - Victor Hotel Hotel- Bravo Romeo Xray - Whiskey Zulu Romeo.
Foxtrot Romeo Papa Hotel - Delta Whiskey -Whiskey Kilo Hotel - Victor Delta Papa Hotel - Sierra Oscar Delta Foxtrot Hotel. Whiskey Romeo Golf Delta Bravo - Whiskey Zulu Romeo -Kilo Romeo Xray Uniform Victor - Sierra Papa."

"George! You need to see this!"
They looks at the letter and George says. "Fine, we'll have to decrypt this letter. I was bored anyway so here we go."
They soon understand that it uses the military alphabet. They take the first letter of each word and the letter is now:


"Do you understand something?" Asks George.
David thinks for a few minutes. He then says:
"I think I know. It uses Caesar's code. More precisely, Caesar's code +3. We just need to take the third letter of the alphabet before the one we have on the letter and we'll have our message." David says.
After deciphering this letter, David finally find what this letter means. It is written:

"We need to see you two. Come to the same place. Today two hours PM"

"2pm? We need to go then! It's in 30 minute! Plus we need to stay low not to get caught." George says.
"You're right. Let's go!"
David take his mask and, with George, they leave the house. They arrive at the meeting place at 2pm. They're in a hidden base under the Thames.
"Ah! David and George! Finally we can start!" A man says. The man's name is The Professor. Nobody knows why he chose this name. There are many rumours but everyone knows that they're all wrong.
"What do you want from us Professor?" Asks David.
"If we asked you two to come here, it's because we have an important mission and a really dangerous one! You're the only one who can do this. Your mission will be to infiltrate into 10, downing Street and to take some documents and some files from a computer. Do you accept it?" The Professor asks.
David looks at George, worried, and they starts chatting together.
They are shaking because they know it's a difficult mission.

"What are you doing Davie?" Asked William
"Oh I'm just chilling. Why?"
"Because we received a letter from "Them"."
David got up and walked towards William to read the letter.
"How disappointing. Just dots and lines." William said.
"No! It's a morse code! I can read morse. It's written "We need to see you two. Come to the same place. Today two PM.""
"Oh! It's in 10 minutes! Let's go!"
8 minutes later, they arrived in a dead-end.
"You're sure it's here?"
Right behind them, a voice said:
"Yes it's here!"
The Professor showed himself.
"What do you want from us, Professor?" William asked.
"You are our best agents from the resistance. We need you to perform a dangerous mission."
"Which is?" Interrogated David.
"We need you to hack the computer of the chief of the police to have the schedule of the police patrols. You may think it's unimportant, but with this, we'll be able to do our missions more easily. He's in his house now. You should go now!"

"It was the last time William came here."Thinks David
"The last time you asked us to perform a dangerous mission, William died! How can you be sure that this time, me, or George, won't get shot too?" David objects.
"I know William's death touched you. We all miss him. But we have no choice. You are our only hope." The Professor answers.
David thinks for a long time and turns to George.
"What do you think?" David asks.
"I mean... Of course it's dangerous. But if it could help us to put an end to this mess, I guess we have no choice. Plus I'll protect you!" George answers, smiling.
"Yeah...But who'll protect you?"
"Don't worry about me Davie!"
David turns back to the Professor and says:
"Fine! We accept this mission." David and George say.
"When will we have to do it?" David asks.
"In 2 days."

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