Chapter 9

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David wake up one hour later because he's thirsty. He walks down through the hallway to the kitchen and drink a glass of water. He is about to go back to his room to sleep a little bit more when he hears crying. He listens carefully to localise the source of the noise. He then realises it comes from George's room. He knocks 2 times. No answers. He knocks again but still no answers. Instead, just crying. David was extremely worry right now so he decides to come inside George's room. He walks inside and looks at the bed. He see a mass shaking. He walks towards the bed and notices that George was crying in his sleep. Since David didn't want to wake George up, he just tries to make him feel comfortable and to calm him. He runs his hand through his hair trying to comfort him.

David woke up. He looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand and saw it was only 2am. He tried to go back to sleep but heard sobbing next to him. He turned his head towards William and noticed he was shaking. He hugged William and tried to comfort him. William slowly woke up, still crying and buried his face into David's chest.
"Shhh. Don't cry puppy. I'm here and I'll stay by your side." David said, in an attempt to comfort the crying puppy.
"I-I don't want to l-lose yo-you." Stuttered William.
David kissed William's forehead and hummed slightly for him.
"I love you so much." David said.
He heard soft snores and noticed William fell back asleep.
"You're really cute, puppy. I'm really lucky to be your boyfriend." David giggled.
David looked at William's necklace. It was a gift that David gave for William's birthday a few months ago. It contained inside the locket a picture of both of them, hugging and kissing. He remembered when he offered it to William. He was so happy when he saw the necklace. But he didn't noticed that the locket could be opened. When he noticed that and opened it, he almost cried. Not because of sadness but because he was so happy. He really loved his gift and since this day, William has been wearing it.

David notices that George has calmed down. He smiles and wish a goodnight to a sleepy Georgie. He walks back to his room, and go sits on his bed. He decides to look at the necklace he has. It's William's. The chain broke when William fell on the ground after being... shot... With his mask, it is the only things left that belonged to William. The mask and the necklace were extremely important to William. But of course, David was the thing the most important in all the universe for him. David feel a tear falling down his cheek and decide to let it run. He notices something weird with the locket. It is close but it looked like something was in it. He feels stupid not to have noticed it before. He tries to open it and see that there is a paper with the same picture of him and William hugging and kissing. But there were another picture and a piece of paper. The picture was a picture of their wedding. David is happy to see that picture again. He then takes the piece of paper and see that it's a note written by William. He feel disappointed when he see how short it is. It was simply written:
"Locked file on computer.
Password: 12062015"
David start thinking. This password looks like a date...  He then remember.
"It's when we started dating each other! How can I be so dumb and not have tried it."
He goes on his computer, opens the file and then put the password. It was a text, certainly written by William. He sits in a more comfortable position and starts reading it.

"Hello Sweetie!
I can tell for sure, that you're scared and you're probably sad. I know how terrible it could be. And I can't tell you not to be sad because, if I were you, I would've probably died of sadness. But please, stay strong! I won't tell you not to cry. You can cry. Crying proves that you still have feelings and feelings makes you a real human being. I wrote this before our mission to the chief of the police's house. I don't know how this mission will end. Will we succeed? Will we fail? I don't know. But I know one thing. If you read this it means that I succeeded a mission way more important for me. Saving you. You probably wonders how did the chain of the necklace broke. But heh, guess what? It didn't. I knew that I would probably die during this mission so I detached the chain before the final moment. I know it's strange said like that. Sorry, I can't help but laugh while writing this - David chuckles, imaginating William laughing at his computer - I don't know how I will die. But I know how difficult this mission will be. So i thought it would be wise to write this. I hope you're happy to read it. - "Of course I am you idiot!" giggles David - I want to say one last thing. Please, do your best to save the country. Do that for me Davie. I know George will be with you. I asked him to come back before we go to our mission. Luckily for me, he accepted. He'll take care of you, protect you, like I used to do. Oh no... I need to hurry... It's 6am and you wake up in 30 minutes! Why do you always wake up so early! - David laugh at that remark, imaginating William complaining about that. - Anyway. Just remember this. I love you so much my little Davie.
Stay safe.
Your Puppy"

David is smiling. He is so happy to have to opportunity to read that note. It's like William is still alive and directly talked with him. He felt tear of joy on his cheek. He notices a few minutes after reading this that George is standing at the door.
"You finally found this note?" Asks George, smiling.
"You knew there was a note?" Asks back David.
"Haven't you read it? William asked me to come back and stay with you. I accepted of course. You're my best friend! Plus, I was the only trustworthy person he knew." George answers smiling.
"Why haven't you told me there was a note?"
"Because William wanted you to find it by yourself. I suggested him to add a picture of your wedding. Do you love it by the way? " Interrogates George.
"I love it so much." replies David, smiling even more.
"William would be so happy." George says, smiling brightly
David stands up and walks toward George. George wonders what he's going to do. A few seconds later, David just hugs George.
"Thank you so much." David whispers.
"Heh? What for?"
"For staying here with me."
They both stay there hugging for a few moment and David looks at his watch.
"It's almost 7:30am! We should make breakfast. Are you coming?"

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