Truth of the Matter

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"Ashera, come look at this," said Tylor. 

Tylor and I searched for a lovely apartment in town so we wouldn't have to live with our parents. He just got a new job a few weeks ago, following the time of our marriage. "I mean, it's nice," I said. 

"You don't seem so sure," said Tylor. 

"No, no, I like it. I think the price is a little high, though. Remember, you have college to take care of. Plus, a baby is on the way, and that's not to mention taxes," I told him. 

"Alright, millennial," Tylor said jokingly. 

"Well, babe, we need something that is not garbage but also not too expensive," I said. 

"Yeah, you are right. I think we can get something decent for a good price," Tylor said. 

I headed to the bathroom only to find myself looking in the mirror, admitting how much bigger my belly has gotten. I knew in my mind that I was excited, but deep down, I was very nervous. It wasn't long until my husband walked through the bathroom doors to give me a hug from behind. I have always loved the types of hugs that my man would give me. 

"You okay, baby?" asked Tylor in a steady, sweet tone. 

"Yes, I am. Just looking at my belly," I said. 

"I can't wait for our baby," said Tylor. 

"Me too, but I am rather nervous. We need to start getting clothes for our boy," I said. 

"Yes, I agree. Wait, our boy?" asked Tylor. 

"Yes, our boy. We are having a boy," I told him. 

"Woah, I didn't know about this. How long have you known?" Tylor asked. 

"Roughly two weeks now," I said. 

Tylor got excited to hear the good news that we were having a boy. The main thing that he and I are the most focused on is getting an apartment for us. 

"This weekend, we need to go shopping for the baby," I told him. 

"Oh, yes. We will most certainly do that," Tylor said.

I did my hair swiftly and threw on some comfortable clothes because Tylor and I had an ultrasound scheduled. 

"Are you sure that this baby is a boy?" Tylor asked. 

"Why would I lie about the sex of our own child?" I asked in return. 

"Well, I don't know. Just curious," said Tylor. 

"Well, that's why we are going to this ultrasound right now," I said. 

"I mean, that's not the reason, but alright," Tylor said. 

"Ty, it's a boy," I told him. 

"Alright, alright, I respect that," said Tylor. 

"You still seem like you don't believe me. Why are you suddenly being weird?" I asked. 

"I'm not, but we are going to see you here shortly," said Tylor. 

"You're right; we will see," I said. 

Tylor and I got in his car to head down to the clinic, and I couldn't wait for him to see the truth of the matter.   

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