I woke up with Aizawa laying directly on me. I heard giggling and instantly looked over at Aliyah sitting up, playing with Loki. I tried to move Aizawa off of me but he clutched onto me tighter.
"Nooo stay" he whined and buried his head into my neck.
"Babe I have to get up" I chuckled.
"Is she ok?" He instantly shot up.
"Good morning Dada!" She giggled "good morning mummy!"
"Good morning my love" I kissed her cheek "and hello Loki" I stroked him and he purred softly.
"How was your sleep?" Aizawa picked up Aliyah.
"It was good" she hugged him.
"Great" he stood up "let's go get some food"
"You start on breakfast and I'll check the kids" I said. I picked up Loki and he melted into my arms. I looked at my pyjamas in the mirror.(If you don't like it imagine something else)
The house was surprisingly hot so I left it. My bonnet had slipped off in my sleep but it wasn't bad. My hair stuck out in an unruly afro. I liked the definition of my coils and dreaded that I would have to fix it later. I slipped on some sliders and headed down the hall to the kids' rooms.
I gently knock on the first door and was greeted with groans. I went in and Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou were cuddling while being half awake.
"Good morning guys" I smiled.
"Good morning" Midoriya smiled back.
"Morning" Bakugou turned still trying to get sleep.
"Get out" Todoroki scoffed not even looking in my direction.
"But I brought emotional support" I chuckled "Loki"
"Give me!" They all shot up. I carefully placed Loki down and he sat on the bed and stared at the boys.He looked back at me and I smiled approvingly. He walked over to Midoriya and sat on his lap.
"Aww he's so cute" Midoriya carefully stroked him. Bakugou and Todoroki watched their interaction with bright blushes across their faces.
"Wow you guys are in love" I laughed. Todoroki glared at me but I continued laughing "Alright I have to go wake up everyone else" I said "do you want to come with me?" I asked Loki and he walked back over. He leaped onto me and I caught him "be down for breakfast soon" I left the room.The next room was fairly easier as Tokoyami, Sero and Shoji were already awake.
"Good morning guys" I smiled.
"Good morning" they said back.
"Aww he's so cute" Sero raced over to see Loki.
"Mr Aizawa really likes you" Tokoyami said. A small smile formed on his face "that's nice"
"Yeah it is" I smiled "I just wanted to tell you guys that Shota is making breakfast so be down soon"
"We will" Shoji smiled.
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