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America's POV
I sat on the bench and begged myself not to cry.

Tonight was the worst night of my life, which just so happened to be prom night.

A girl I'd known for years - I'd finally gotten the guts to ask her to the prom.

She said yes, or so I thought.

Here she was, dancing with another guy while I was just sat here on the bench, crying.

I'd tried to speak to my friends afterwards, but they all had dates. Sure, we got pictures together, but they all had their own dates.

I heard some footsteps come towards me, but my hands covered my face as I cried.

"Hello." He said. It was my friend, Russia.

"Hey bud. You're enjoying prom, aren't you?" I asked.

"I would be if my sister wasn't watching my every step." I wasn't surprised about the sister part. His sister was definitely insane. Seriously, she loved him to an unhealthy level.

"Not surprised. Good thing I have somebody who's also having a sucky night." I told him.

I'd finally made eye contact with him at this point, and saw that he had two cups of fruit punch in his hands. "You finally got the nerve to look at me comrade?" He said. "I'm sorry, it's just-"

I was cut off by him handing me a glass of fruit punch. "Here. You'll like it." I took the fruit punch and sipped it. It tasted funny. "This tastes funny." I said to Russia.

"Yea, Prussia added a whole bottle of vodka and gave a teacher 50 dollars not to tell. I actually saw him do it." He replied.

I laughed. "Well, if it makes us forget tonight, bottoms up!" I exclaimed before chugging my fruit punch. Russia did the same.

Nothing else mattered for a minute. Just two dudes forgetting about their problems.


England's POV
"You're drunk America! Someone must've put alcohol in the fruit punch..." I said as I carried him in my arms with the help of Canada.

"Yea, bro, Prussia put vodka in the fruit punch or something... I can't remember what Russia told me..."

Meanwhile, France was laughing his ass off recording this whole thing. "America should get drunk more often. He's way funnier that way!" He exclaimed.

"Of course not! It's not about his humour, it's about him being sensible!" I yelled.

"Come on guys. Let's just focus on getting America home. You know we want him to be safe." Canada said. "This is worse than the time you drank almost two full cases of apple juice on a road trip when we were little."

"Heh, road trips." America replied. "Those were fun. I wish I could do one again." Britain then said "How about when you're in your right state of mind, you could plan one?"

America's eyes lit up. "Sure! And I'll invite some of the other nations! It'll be a nation road trip!"

I sighed. "I said, do it when you're in your right state of mind. There's no way you're inviting all of them."

"You bet."


And the first chapter is done! No promises this will be consistently updated, but I'll keep the book short, about 500-1000 words per chapter. But my growing love for this fandom is motivating me to do it! Anyway, thanks for reading the prologue for this book. This has been Mars, signing off for now. Bye!

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