Chapter 14: We Made It

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Four days.

That was all it took until America could see the skyline of United City in front of him through the van's windshield. The bright lights of the buildings lit the darkening sky, as the moon rose and the stars began to make their presence known. It seemed almost unreal to the American.

"Oh my god," America whispered. "We made it. We made it." England looked over at him, a blank expression plastered onto his face. "Did you not expect us to make it?" He complained, America groaning in response. "Dude. Lighten up! We finally made it! We're in United City!"

America found his way to the hotel, Austria following him in the other van. The parking lot was packed, with the only available spots being far away from the hotel. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He mumbled as he parked in one of the only available parking spots.

"Alright!" America exclaimed. "Everyone's gonna have to take at least something. We're far away from the entrance, so it's gonna be a team effort!" America did a thumbs up, the other nations seemingly unamused, off in their own worlds, doing their separate things.

The Italy brothers were asleep, Sealand had an ice pack on his nose, which was heavily bruised and swollen. England was off in his own world with his imaginary friends, China and France were arguing over something to do with cooking, and the German brothers were talking.

America sighed, getting out of the van. The other nations soon followed, all taking as much as they could. It felt like they were walking across the entirety of Europe just to get to the entrance of the hotel. As soon as all the nations brought the bags in, they soon realized the elevators were out of order.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." The American muttered, looking at the sign that was taped to the elevator door. He silently prayed that their rooms wouldn't be too far up, so it would be less of a journey. And much to the nation's dismay, they were near the top floor.

"Well, we'd better get to it," America said, groaning. It took a mere half hour for the nations to finally get to the top, with Austria now being carried by Hungary, Switzerland taking Liechtenstein's bags for her, despite her kindly refusing, and England having to take a few of Sealand's things so he could tend to his nosebleed.

When America finally reached the top floor, he cheered, finally knowing he made it. Most of the other nations were behind, so he went ahead to find the rooms. The rooms were just as he expected, comfy beds, a clean bathroom, a big TV, and a mini-fridge to store drinks.

It was the perfect room after so much trouble.


England had told America he was going out to get something, although America secretly knew he just wanted to get out of babysitting Sealand for the millionth time. So, that job went to both America AND Prussia. For some odd reason, Sealand was having nosebleeds every few hours after he broke his nose.

"Yo, Prussia, did Germany ever have a broken nose when he was young?" America asked as he was getting more paper towels for Sealand's seemingly endless nosebleed. "Not that I can recall, even when he was still known as Holy Rome," Prussia replied, thinking of his little brother. "I did myself, though."

"Did you have nosebleeds every few hours?" America questioned, Sealand eavesdropping on them as the two chatted in the bathroom. "Nope. Why'd you ask?" Prussia answered. "Sealand keeps having heavy nosebleeds every few hours. Should I bring him back to the doctor, perhaps?" Prussia thought about it. "How many days ago did he break his nose?"

America's (slightly stupid) road trip - A hetalia AU! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now