Chapter 4: Gathering the supplies

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France's POV
"GUYS! LOOK WHAT WE RENTED!" America and England drove into the driveway both in separate vans.

I and Canada stared through the windows at the two of them.

"Oh my goodness," Canada whispered. I heard the back door open. Seychelles was also here, as she was related to us by adoption. England had to bring over Sealand, so she was taking care of him.

"Oh! They're back! While I was out in the backyard, I made up a list of who should go in what van. Have a read!" Seychelles said.

Van A
America (Driver)
North Italy
South Italy

Van B
Austria (Driver)

"Great! I think this will work perfectly." I said. "Well, maybe you should-" I cut Canada off "Nonsense! It's fine!"

Besides, no one's gonna murder anyone in the vans, right?


Seychelles smiled. "Great! If there's anything I can do, just call out to me! Oh, and if England's wondering, Sealand's behaving very well. He always seems to talk about how hard he is to take care of.."

England slammed open the door "Well-behaved?! I don't know how Finland and Sweden keep up with him!" He exclaimed.

Seychelles giggled. "Maybe you're just his least favourite."

England was pretty obviously mad, but I thought it was hilarious!

After calming the two of us down, which Canada and America have done way much more than they should have, we got back to work.

Canada's POV
"You're writing everything down, right bro?" America asked. It started me a bit. "Y-y-yea," I said. My stutter made my words slightly confusing, but he understood them.

"Great! Now, exactly how many fast-food restaurants are there on the routes?" America asked. England raised his hand.

"There are no fast-food restaurants in the park, but cafes and other smaller restaurants. No McDonalds, fortunate for your organs." England said. America was slightly offended, going on a 5-minute rant on how fast food has affected him "positively".

The last time I checked, weight gain wasn't positive. But he didn't mention that. His reasons were just one thing: He doesn't have to cook.

He just attempted to stretch that one reason into a five-minute rant. Worse than a lot of YouTube apology videos.

"Anyway, rant over. Now, who's doing the grocery run?" America asked. There were a few tiny things we'd need before the trip. France raised his hand "Don't worry! Italy agreed to do it with his friends for us."

The entire room froze. I have a feeling Seychelles overheard him and froze too.

"You WHAT?!" England yelled. "YOU MEAN THE AXIS!? Oh lord... at least he's not doing it himself. Germany will keep him in order at least, or so I think." He said.

"Of course! We don't want just pasta, do we?" France asked England.

England let out a massive sigh. He should not have trusted France with this kind of stuff.

Author's POV
As the trio walked into Walmart, they braced for what they would see. Because Walmart isn't exactly a sane place.

"Alright," Germany said. "To get this done quicker, Japan, you do this half of the list. Italy and I will be doing the other part."

Japan nodded, taking the half of the paper list that Germany tore in half and going on his way with a cart.

"Alright, Italy," Germany said. "Follow me, and don't do anything stupid, ok?" Italy nodded.

As the couple- I mean, friends, walked through the store, Germany directed Italy on what to get.

And of course, Italy tried to sneak pasta in there a few times. Eventually, Germany gave in and told him to put it in.

That made Italy happy, so he hugged Germany, but Germany raised his voice at him for doing it, especially in public. Germany hates hugs.

"Can I get in the cart? Please? My legs are tired from walking!" Italy asked Germany. Germany sighed. "Nein, Italy. We've only been walking for a few minutes..."

Meanwhile, Japan had his earbuds in, peacefully getting the groceries from the list. They didn't have to get everything now, as there were some stores that they could stop in on the trip.

As Japan finished up his part of the list, he walked around the store, desperately trying to find Italy and Germany.

After roughly 30 minutes of walking around the store, Japan finally found them. They had just finished their shopping in double the amount of time Japan took.

After checking out with the money France gave them for buying groceries, they packed it all into the back of Germany's van.

"Alright, looks like we got everything." Germany said "In the van! We're heading to America's."

On the way to the house, Italy would not shut up, and it was driving Germany nuts.

Fun fact, Italy asked to go to Starbucks 27 times on the way to America's house. And that's only a 20-minute drive.

After the hell of a drive the axis had from Walmart to America's house, they went in with the groceries.

"America! France! We have the groceries you wanted!" Germany exclaimed as he walked in. France ran down the stairs.

"Oh! Yay! I'll tell America right now. Meanwhile, you guys sit down. How was your trip to Walmart?" France asked.

"Hell," Germany said. "Italy asked to go to Starbucks 27 times."

France chuckled. "Don't worry Italy, mon amour, I'll take you to Starbucks." Italy's face lit up as he said that.

While Italy, France, Seychelles and Sealand went to Starbucks so Italy would shut up, the others sat down and talked.

"I agreed to take Sealand on the trip for Sweden and Finland," England said. "Do you think I made a mistake?" He asked.

Germany sighed. "If he's better than Italy, then no." America laughed. "Come on! He's not that bad! Seychelles told me how well behaved he is."

England sighed. This was a mistake.

Too bad the trip was only a few days away.

America's (slightly stupid) road trip - A hetalia AU! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now