Chapter 10: Of Babysitters, Big Brothers and Boyfriends.

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Estonia's POV
Here's the weird thing about Sealand; His behaviour depends on his babysitter. With any of the Nordics, America, or Me, he's very well behaved.

England would have a different story to tell, though. Sealand has a thing against him. So, therefore, he likes to give him hell. It would explain why every time someone asks why he has two Dads, he says "They bought me off eBay!".

Sealand has been babysat by many of the nations. Prussia, Latvia, Canada... those are just a few. Sealand writes down all of his babysitters from his favourites to his least favourites. He doesn't have anything bad to say about them...

Expect for England, of course. I read it once, I appreciated my description. I'm one of his favourites. I'm very close with Finland, so I'm one of the go-to's. The go-to's are me and the Nordics, England, and America.

The only reason England was chosen to watch over Sealand out of the other available nations on the trip was that all the Nordics were on vacation, Finland and Sweden thought I needed a break, and America was the head of the trip.

But honestly dealing with Latvia is harder. He's 15 and I'm already convinced he's secretly an alcoholic. He just doesn't tell me and Lithuania anything about it.

Sealand tells me about many of his experiences with his babysitters, like how once he and Denmark were playing "Apocalypse" in the backyard when his parents went on a date.

And how Norway taught him to do magic. They accidentally ended up summoning a demon, but Norway managed to get it under control. They never told Sweden and Finland about it though.

And Iceland always makes Sealand eat pineapple when he babysits him. I didn't get it up until a few months ago. Needless to say, Iceland is not the biggest fan of Denmark's reverse-puberty-toddler-on-crack voice and personality.

(A/N: Cue the author trying to describe Denmark positively after reading *that* fanfic)

But still, Denmark can keep up with Sealand's relentless energy, and be honest, Denmark's just a big kid. He still squeals every time he watched the Lego movie.

Author's POV
Switzerland sat in the van, trying to look at the nature through the window Liechtenstein had fallen asleep next to. He couldn't see it too well, probably because he was in the middle and it was raining.

Classical music that came from the van's radio struggled to be heard over the heavy rain. Switzerland managed to score a copy of the list of all the activities and hotels on the road trip.

He had been searching the hotels up for the past few minutes, but the area they were in unfortunately had no service, unlike some of the other areas in the park.

Switzerland's earbuds blasted his favourite songs from his iPhone as he tried to look out the window. He groaned as he finally gave up on trying to look at the soaking wet nature.

"Switzerland?" A voice asked. It was Liechtenstein. "What, Liechtenstein?" I replied. "Did you hear anything about the hotel we're planning to stay at? I know you've been researching them." She questioned.

"Well..." Switzerland pondered. "It has pretty good reviews, but I wouldn't choose it if it were up to me. Out of my price range." He said, recalling what he'd seen.

"Oh. It looks decent, right?" Liechtenstein inquired. "Matches up to its price. An upgrade from the last place." He answered. "Also, big brother, can you promise me something?" Liechtenstein whispered. "What is it?" Switzerland responded.

"You made a pretty big fool of yourself last night when you were calling Ukraine. Just... Don't drink. Most of your silly decisions come from when you've been drinking." She stated.

Switzerland opened his mouth to protest, but he realized it wasn't worth it. "...I'll try," Switzerland mumbled. Even though he enjoyed it, he knew he did dumb shit when he drank.

Liechtenstein smiled. "Thank you. I know you can." She assured. It didn't matter how much he enjoyed it, Liechtenstein was probably right. Maybe he should just... Slow down on it.

It wasn't much longer until both vans showed up at the hotel's parking lot. Both vans looked like they'd just driven through a sea of mud, but they made it, and that's what mattered.

All the countries rushed to grab their bags and run into the hotel, and wait for America to get them all checked in. The receptionist was quite tall, taller than Russia. She had a warm smile on her face as she checked the group in.

The hotel rooms were simple, but fancy and modern all at the same time. It had so much to be explored, that Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Latvia, and Sealand spent the rest of the day exploring the seemingly endless halls.

Meanwhile, Canada and Ukraine lay out on the grass of a nearby park, watching the sunset.

"So, how has your leg been?" Ukraine asked. "Decent. America was surprised I didn't need stitches. It hurts a tiny bit, but nothing some medicine couldn't fix. Thanks for fixing me up earlier. I appreciate it." Canada replied.

Ukraine smiled, her bright blue eyes lighting up as she beamed. "You're very much welcome. I've had a lot of experience with cuts and bruises. I was sort of a second mother to Russia and Belarus."

Ukraine's warm smile made Canada blush, his circular glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he looked down at the ground, hoping she wouldn't see him blush.

Ukraine noticed his glasses and fixed them so they wouldn't fall off his face. She saw he was blushing, giggling at the sight of it. "You don't have to hide the fact that you're blushing." She assured.

Canada stuttered as his face turned even redder than before. Ukraine patiently waited for his reply, but nothing came from him.

She began to blush as well, seeing how shy and adorable he was. It wasn't long before she'd finally pulled herself to give him a peck on his cheek, still blushing like crazy.

Canada froze as Ukraine pulled herself away from him, before his face become even more of a blushing mess, his long, baggy sweater sleeves now covering his eyes as he groaned out of embarrassment.

Ukraine placed her arm around his shoulder. "You don't have to be embarrassed, y'know." She said. "I know, it's just..." Canada was cut off by Ukraine pulling him into a warm, tight hug.

Although Canada was not the biggest fan of hugs, and whenever he was given one he tended to pull away, he decided to hug her back instead.

Canada began to feel a heavy flutter in his stomach. He thought it was from embarrassment, but...

I think we all know what it was he was feeling.

(A\N: Sorry for the short chapter! 1174 words isn't a lot for me, but hopefully, the fluff at the end makes up for it.)

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