Chapter 3: 9:00, Empty Parking Lot

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Romano's POV
I could see my brother slowly fall asleep as we drove.

Eventually, he dozed off. I pulled to a stop. Another traffic jam. I looked over at my brother.

I cared about him. He was my brother, after all. But... deep down...

I was so jealous of him.

He seemed to have all the recognition. We both made up Italy. He was North, I was South. Yet he was always called Italy...

And I was just Romano.

Stupid fucking Romano.

I chewed on my nails but pulled my hand away when I snapped back to reality from my thoughts.

Still in a stupid traffic jam.

A few minutes later, traffic started flowing again.

The GPS on the van we were driving in annoyed me the entire way to our destination.

When we got there, my first emotion was absolute confusion.

This was where we were meeting? I checked the letter again.

9:00, empty parking lot. I thought to myself.

I was right. Just then, a van came behind us. Out walked the F.A.C.E family. It seemed like they were supposed to be there first, but we came early.

"Hey! Romano!" America said. I waved at him, as he signalled us to follow him.

I and my brother followed the four buddies into the McDonald's that the parking lot belonged to.

We saw the signs in the windows that the store would be closing down. The place looked pretty rough anyway.

As we waited, more people came in. Soon, about 22 people were there. We all got food and decided to sit on the pavement outside and talk.

America's POV
As everyone sat outside, staring up at the stars, I started to talk.

As everyone ate, we told the crew the dates we'd be going on the road trip. We'd spend 11 days on the trip, 8 driving to and from United City. We'd also spend 3 days in United City.

"Okay, so, the road trip is in a week. Make sure all your bags are packed with what you need, ok?" Everyone agreed.

The trip was on!

We all talked while finishing up our meals. "So, America, you booked good hotels, correct?" England asked.

"Of course!" I replied, which was a big lie. I may have booked one hotel with a low review, but it couldn't be that bad, right?

Come on, I wanted to save some money, right?

Everyone continued to eat their food, as people discussed the trip.

"Are we going swimming?" One person asked.

"Can we go to a mall when we're in United City?" Another asked.

"What hotels did you book?" "Are we eating at a fancy restaurant?" "Can we get McDonald's while we're travelling?"

Questions flooded the air. Me, England, France and Canada tried our best to answer them all.

After a while, the chatter seemed to calm down.

The air was quiet. All we could hear was the cars passing the parking lot. Everyone was lying down on the pavement, just staring up at the stars together.

Japan's POV
I lay near Germany and Italy. The two of them talked while pointing out constellations.

"No, Italy, they don't have normal names. There's the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper... I'd assume you haven't heard of them, considering... you." Germany said.

His voice was quieter than normal. He normally yelled or was just a loudspeaker. But... he wasn't. Was it something to do with Italy?

"The stars are never as bright as this," I whispered. There had been so many times it was just the three of us together, under the night sky. But the stars were never as bright as they were at that moment.

I... felt something. A warm, fuzzy feeling inside of me.

I moved a little closer to Germany and Italy. As I came over, Italy smiled at me. I barely ever did it, but...

I smiled back.

Estonia's POV
Well, that was over.

As I and my brothers headed into our car, my phone buzzed.

Groceries... I was supposed to get groceries 3 hours ago.

I groaned. "We're taking a small trip to the store, it seems..."

Me, Lithuania and Latvia drove under the night sky, the only noise being the cars passing by us and the music from the radio.

We pulled into the parking lot of a nearby Walmart.

The store was almost empty, except for the employees and the drunk guys in the dairy aisle.

The three of us silently walked through the nearly empty store, getting only the things on our list.

After we checked out our items, we headed out of the store. It almost felt... weird, it was so quiet.

"That store seemed so... weird," I said. Lithuania looked at me. "It kinda did, y'know."

Latvia took the headphones off of his head for a second to hear us. "Walmart is already sketchy. Especially at 10 PM." He said.

We drove home, the drive once again silent.

(Don't mind me, the author, writing stuff just to get this chapter over 1000 words-)

Author's POV
"Sealand? Sealand, it's 1 AM, why are you packing your bag?" Sealand looked up at England. Even in the darkness, you could see he was packing.

"I'm packing for the trip." He said. England sighed. "You do realize the trip isn't for another week?" England said, his thick, straight eyebrows added to the sternness of his face.

"I know," Sealand said. "I'm just really excited!" England sighed. "Look, Sealand, you need sleep. I promised Sweden and Finland I'd take care of you while they were on vacation. So, you need sleep." He said.

England was staying at Finland and Sweden's house while they were on vacation, so he could take care of Sealand. Finland and Sweden said Sealand could go on the trip as long as England looked after him.

I helped Sealand clean up the mess from packing, and he went back to bed. I walked through the house to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be, and went back to bed.

The moment my head hit the pillow, my eyes started to shut, and I drifted off to sleep. But one thought stayed in my mind...

America committed to the road trip. This was gonna be stupid.

America's (slightly stupid) road trip - A hetalia AU! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now