Chapter 15: Dancing Kings

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(A\N: To whom it may concern:  Yes, I've been procrastinating, and if there's any chance you're wondering why this is the second meme on the top of a chapter in a row to involve Scandinavia and the World, I'm a fan of that too. What did you expect? Hetalia and SatW have their differences, but they also have lots of similarities!)


United City.

It was nothing more than awesome.

America couldn't sleep that night. He was too excited. All he could think about was the marvellous adventures the nations would have in that city. The nations all resided in a small community away from the booming city, all under their human aliases. Nobody knew they were nations (or micro-nations), and nobody had to know.

The hotel room's cream-coloured curtains blocked the blinding sun from entering the hotel room that very morning. America had a massive plan for the first day in United City. Most of the nations would be off doing their own things around the city, but America, the F.A.C.E family, Seychelles, and Sealand would be going to the mall.

Later on, America found himself packing for a day at the mall that sat right across the street. It was massive, much bigger than any mall they'd ever seen before. All of them had been there before, except for Sealand. But America knew it would be the greatest thing he would ever see in his lifetime.

"You have all the reusable bags?" Asked America, as he followed France. "Sure do! You think that'll be enough?" France replied, dumping the bag full of them on the bed for America to see. "More than enough, I believe." He said, helping France put them all back into the bag.

In the corner, Sealand made sure he had everything he needed in his bag. If it wasn't for that stupid ball floating away, Sealand would have so much in his bag for the broken nose. The frog backpack which was a birthday gift from his uncle Norway was without a doubt his favourite backpack.

The six nations soon headed off to the mall, all dressed up for the sizzling hot weather. As they entered, they were greeted by crowds of people, flocking to their favourite stores. America wondered why there was so much commotion, with lines even forming in front of the mall's stores.

Then it hit him.

It was a sale.

"Aaaaand we're screwed." Said America, placing his hands on his sides. "Why? Everything's cheaper!" Sealand exclaimed, looking up at the American. "It's like someone quadruple-crammed China's entire population into this mall. How are we supposed to shop in this?"

Canada tapped on America's shoulder. "Well, we could split up I guess." He suggested. "Good idea! Sey- I mean, Michelle and Francis, you two can head off together. Mattie and Arthur, you two can go together, and I'll take little Kirkland right over here!" He exclaimed, holding Sealand up.

"Actually, it's Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen now."

"... It's Kirkland for today, alright?"



And so, the nations headed off. Francis and Michelle found themselves going to clothing stores, France even picking out a dress like the manly man he is. England insisted on going to a bookstore, with Canada following him the entire way. Sealand and America on the other hand spent their time going to video game stores and even the arcade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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