Chapter 2

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Arthur's note:

Hey y'all,sorry for the long wait, reel life happened. I was not able to update Wattpad for reasons I have not been able to get into, but I have still ben writting! I haven't gotten any comments or suggestions yet, so I'm just gonna start working on the next chapter. But leave any and all suggestions in the comments section!

End of Arthur's notice

Sonic woke up early the next mourning and made sure that Tails was still asleep. Tonight was a good night, Tails did not have any nighttime terrors. Sonic was glad about that. Sonic sped off to the kitchen to start making breakfast for himself. Sonic made himself two pancakes and toasted a woolfell in the toaster. He then waterboarded both of them in syrup.  The syrup bottle was like an Mrs. Butters worth bottle, but a hedgehog. Sonic then ate all of the food very quickly, like he was in a hotdog eating computation. Sonic was still hungry after that, so he microwaved some leftovers from the freezer. He microwaved half a slice of pizza, some pasta, and two chilly dogs.  After that Sonic started going about and making Tail's breakfast. Tails was not as big on eating as Sonic was, because Sonic had a superior metabolism. So Sonic just made him two pancakes, and served up a glass of milk from the milk container. 

"Jee whiz, what smells so god" Tails asked smartly.

"Just the breakfasted." Sonic answered.

After tails consumed his food Sonic and Tails watched the news for a bite before Tails had to gone to High School. Sonic grabbed the remote and fiddled with it for a bite. It wouldn't turn on. Sonic throwed the remote against the wall to make it work and then it did. Sonic thumbed it over to the News.

"...the body was found in three and a half pieces, spread against seven states." Tucker the fox was finishing. "In other news, the Eggman Regime has just announced that it will raze the dent ceiling tenfold!"

Sonic gasped in horror!

"WHAT!" Sonic shouted. He was beyond in raged. "Stupid politicians. Half of 'em would sell your soil to the Devil for a buck and a half, and half would do it for less!"

Sonic was angry. Sonic paid his taxes like any law-abiding citizen did. And now look what they did with it! Eggman wasn't elected, and Sonic was pretty sure he didn't tax himself. He was raiding the banks accounts of the common man for a STUPID economic move. It would wreck our government in the lone term, while giving all sorts of aid to our rivals in the East, the Shinbois. Sonic was enraged.

"Now THIS is why we are fightinh." Sonic explained to Tails. 

Tails agreed wisely. Tails knew that, even though Eggman was pretty smart when it came to science, he was stupid when it came to governing. 

"Well, I guess it's time for you to go." Said Sonic, saying the time.

"Yeah, I guess so to." Tails agreed wisely. Tails began to walk towards the forte door, but then Sonic shouted. Tails stopped in his tracks.

"You forgot about this bro!" Sonic said, and throwed a needle to Tails.

"Ah, good point" Tails said. If he had forgotten his disguise, the police could of raptured him. Tails jammed the needle into his vein below his hand. A rush of calmness flowed through Tails mind before he doubled over in pain. It was like his large intestine was on fire! His skin moved and shifted all over. All his fur fell down to the flore into one clean pile. He grew a couple of feet. Tails was gone. Now Vladimir stood before Sonic.

"Ok, bye Sonic" Vlamir told Sonic.

"Bye Tai-er-Vlad!" Sonic tripped.

Vladimir balked away. Sonic knew that he was going to school.

"Welp, time to start the day." Sonic said to nobody besides the mice. Sonic took out one of his syringes and ingested it like Tails had. Pretty much the same thing that happened to Tails happened to Sonic, but faster and blue. Huey emerged from the ground.

"Welp, time to start the day!" Huey said to nobody besides the mice. Huey walked slowly to the bedroom, and then pulled up the bed, revealing the bunker staircase. Huey slid down the railing, down the hundred Tories, and into the high text bunker. Sonic had hired people to build it secretly with the funds he had hidden before Eggman took over when the house was built.

"Good mourning, Mr. Huey" the computer said as Sonic entered the room using Amy's voice just like it was coded to.

"Hello there computer." Huey said. "Pull up a map of all of the trains that Eggman is running"

"Request acknowledged." the computer said and pulled up a map which showed all the train routes all over Mobius.

"Computer, zoom in on that northern one." Huey said confidently.

"Request acknowledgement." The computer said, mimicking Amy's voice again.

The computer did that, and zoomed in so far that Sonic could see the individual blades of grass as the train passed by. Huey saw that it was carrying a bunch of Robot parts on it in one of the carts that's always full of coal. Only this time it had scrap medals.

"That looks like a good place to attack!" Huey exclaimed. "When is it going to pass the bridge?"

"Two weeks." The computer said in Amy's vice.

"Good. That'll give me some time to prepare." Huey said smartly.

Huey then left the bunker and climbed up the staircase on all fours. He then starting making dinner for when Vladimir would come phone. However, Huey heard a knock on the door.


Huey immediately knew that it wasn't Tails, or Vladimir either. They had a secret code lock that went Knock-Knock-na-knock-knock-(pause)-knock-knock! So it had to be somebody else. Sonic grabbed a steak knife from the kitchen just in case it was a cop. Huey lunged at the door and opened it. Sonic saw a humanoid racoon outside with a pie that was all smokey.

"Hiya nieboer!" the Raccoon screeched. "I am Carlista, please meat you."

"Good mourning Carlista, "Huey said, "my name is Soni-er-Huey. Whats the pie for?"
"It is a moving in present!" Carlista replied loudly. "Since you just moved in."

"Coolio" Sonic said, struggling to match Carlista's volume.

"Anyway, I gotta go." Carlista replied. Loud enough to kill 12 rats "I got a pie in the oven"

Huey slammed the door after she left.
"Phew." Huey said. He put the pie in the oven so that it would still be hot when Vladimir got home.

One houre and 34 minutes later, Vladmimir did get home. Vlad could barely open the door, and shambled in as if someone had chopped off both of his feet and then stitched the legs together. Vladimir had a black eye, bruces everywhere, and many teeth gone. Vladimir fell limply onto the couch, and then dug up a syringe from between the pillow and shoved it into his legs. Vlamimir lead out a groan as he transformed into a fox again. Now Tails sat on the couch.

"Tails, what happened?!?!" Huey asked concerned. Huey pointed a bug glof fisted toward Tails face.

"Oh, I uh fell" Tails repiled, worried, sweat dripping done his fasces. "Yeah, that's it, I fell."

"Fell? Fell! FELL!" Huey screeched. Huey rushed over to Tails and shaked his soldiers all crazaly. "You think I'm an idoiot?! You've looked better after an fight with Eggman. WHAT HAPPENED!?"

"Oh, uh, nothing bro, don't worry." Tails said quickly. Huey smacked him across the face.

"I'm sorry brother, but this is for you're own good!" Huey said. "Now tell the truth!"

"NO!" Tails stood up and screamed in defiance. Huey pushed him back down forcefully.

"Fine!" Huey said, his voice ripe with anger. Huey stormed off.

After dinner, Huey (who had since ingested the syringe and became Sonic) Begun to think of ways to help Tails. Sonic knew that something was going down, but he needed proof before Tails would admit it. 

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