Chapter 7: Sonic's Side of the Story

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Arthur's Note

Eyyyy remember when I said that this one was gonna be shortish? Yeahhhhh, uh about that... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just got inspired. Lifes just like that sometimes, We little folk got one plan, but God has another one. A Perfect One. Anyways, to the story!

End of Arthur's Nut

Scene: Sonic's House (Tail's also lives their but the deed is in Sonic name)

Tails had already left for school as Vladimir, so Sonic began to suit up. He put on a pair of bullet proof goggles that had night vision lenses, a gun with a silencer so that he could shoot and nobody could hear, and a pair of jeans. He also put on camouflaged T-Shirt and a belt of Granados. He also put on a shark tooth necklace and a gasmask with a flash light built in. Sonic loaded his gun. He was ready.

Because Sonic would be weaker if he turned into Huey, he had to stealth himself out. He crept along the road. Eventually, Sonic came upon a lend that would allow him to enter the underground sewage system.

"This is perfect!" Sonic said allowed. "Know I don't gotta sneak! This will be a piece of cake!"

Sonic used a crowbar in his backpack to pop open the great like a soda cap. He then jump in. Sonic landed on the floor. After he got used to his surrounding's, he bolted.

Sonic sped throw the sewage pipes. Greenish water slushed over his muscular, hairy body. Luckily the gas mask kept the worst of it out. Sonic tried to user his super speed to run ontop of the water instead of through it, to try and keep himself clean, but it wouldn't work.

"Hmmmmmmm," Sonic said aloud, "I'll need to practice that. Maybe after the mission I'll...kaf-kaf-kaf!"

Sonic began to sputter, as sewage water got into his only mouth. Sonic had to stop for a few minutes to cough it out. He ended up throwing up his breakfast, which 6 eggs and and a boil an a half of coral. Sonic nearly retched again, so he attempted in vain to run away. Sonic got about 5.6 yards and 7 feet away before be trooped on a metal plate that was not welded properly to the ground, which caused it to jut out at a weird and strange angle that made it both hard to detect yet easy to hit. As Sonic fell, he realized that in front of him was a big pile of feces. He tried to dodge the dung dump, but unfortunately no matter how much he jiggled or wiggled he could not change his path. His shot was fired, they're was nothing to be down. Sonic then faceplanted into the pile of brown mosh. It got everywhere. His furry chest, his arms, his eye, his kinase, everything was hit by it.

"Ew, grouse!" Sonic exclaimed astutely.

Sonic began to wiggle in a vain attempt to shake off the defection of hundreds, if not thousands, of folks, but it was no use. Sonic thought about using his tongue, but would not corpse the line. So he contained to try and shake it off. He was focused on this task that he did not hear the grunt of the value turning. Sonic did not detect the rush of water heading right form him until it was much to late.
"Oh n-" Sonic began to cry, but was cut off by the water.

Sonic tried to use his super fast speed ability to escape the watery grave, but it was no use. The water tossed an spun him around like an angry toddler who stole someone's toy. The waves had complete control of him. They banged him against the pipe's walls over and over again. It was like he was the beans in a maraca. Advent ally, Sonic got hit so hard he had to closed his eye and fall uncosionous.

Life was perfect. Sonic was on a date with Amy. She was shitting right next to him at a cute little café, drinking expressos and eating strawberry shortcake. They would laugh and laugh for hours.

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