Chapter 12: The Return

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Sonic watched from the 2nd floor window as the car pulled into the driveway. Even though the blacked-out screens prevented him from seeing inside it, he was quite certain of his occupants. A smile washed over his face. The hard part was over. They had arrived, hopefully in one piece.

Sonic sped down the stairs. By the time he got to the ground floor door, the pair had already exited the vehicle. They were both dressed the same: a tan dress coat with reflective sunglasses, all topped with a black fedora. As Sonic unlocked the door to let them in, the car they had arrived in put their pedal to the metal and sped away to the horizon.

The pair scurried through the open door, and Sonic locked it. He turned around to see the large man taking off his hat and goggles. A red face was revealed, which beamed a happy expression towards Sonic. Sonic was relieved to see his best friend back with him. It had been so long since they had seen each other, so many close calls that they did not have each other to rely on. It was euphoric for them to be together again.

But Knuckles wasn't the one he was most excited to see.

Sonic turned to the other disguised figure. She removed her fedora and sunglasses, and Sonic laid eyes on her face. To him, her visage was easily more beautiful than the Mona Lisa. Sonic could stare at it for hours without getting bored or looking away. He wanted to reach into those balls of beauty and get lost in them. Sonic was glad that she was safe. He was even gladder that they were finally united. He had dreamt of this moment ever since they had first parted ways, back when Eggman had first taken over. It had pained the group to separate, but they had all known it was the right call. And now they were together again.

Sonic wrapped his arms around the pink hedgehog. She responded in kind. A single tear escaped from Sonic's eye. They were together at last. Sonic breathed in through his nose, collecting her scent and savoring it.

This isn't the first time I've seen her. Sonic thought. His mind replayed all the dreams he had of her. A small part of his brain began whispering into his ear, telling him that this was just another dream, and that any moment now he'd wake up. He told that part to shut up.

Too soon for Sonic, the hug broke. The trio sat down in the living room. Sonic served his friends some freshly brewed coffee, and they discussed what they had done during the time they had separated. Sonic gave them a run down on his and Tails double life and the body-morphing serums. He left out the parts about weed. He didn't want to force all that on them, and felt it'd be better handled as a private affair.

"So who are these friends you were telling us about?' asked Knuckles, between sips of his black coffee.

"So one day, I was running through the sewers with my super sonic speed." Sonic explained, gesturing around with his hands as he excitedly told his friends the story. He decided to avoid the embarrassing parts. "Then, a rush of water hit me and knocked me off my feet. It was like a tidal wave in a surfer movie. I got knocked out cold."

A look of fright passed through Amy's face. Her hands began to shake slightly as they held her coffee mug.

"Don't worry Ames." Sonic said. "It takes more than that to kill this Hedgehog!"

Amy seemed to calm down, and added a tablespoon of sugar to Coffee. Sonic was happy, he didn't like it when she got stressed out. When she began to take a sip, Sonic went back to his story. He told them about meeting Moses the Rat and Dr. Lazarus, and the underground town they lived in, full of Anti-Eggman Patriots.

"When can we stop by?" asked Knuckles, who had finished drinking the last of his coffee.

"Not today." Sonic explained. "I don't want anybody to get suspicious about the new people in town snooping around in the sewers. We'll wait a few days, and then I'll take you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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