Chapter 10: Horde of Justin Bieber (Vic)

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Hi! I'm Vic! I'll be telling the story now! MUAHAHAHA!!
So I ran to the temple along with the horde of people. Then WHAM! we all fell down a hole.

We tumbled to the bottom and I majestically landed on my face.
"Owww!" I moaned and everyone agreed. We pressed on. Then we came to a cracked hall that had a shiny green gem on a pillow.
"Is that it?!" Hailey said, running to the gem. And she set of an alarm.
"Well that was easy..." Isaac said.
"Say that to my face!" Hailey ran up to Isaac for Sierra to teleport between them.
"You two GET ALONG!" And she shoved them apart.

"Now let's test how good you are in combat." Skyler said sarcastically.
"SARCA-" John slapped a vine over my mouth.
"Vics are people too..." I muttered. Demon minions rushed through the tunnels.
"Spread out. Try to get the gem and don't let him have it." Nate ordered. Funny, I thought Sky was the leader. Hideous monstrosities crawled out of every tunnel. No they weren't clones of keegan, and no they weren't Justin Biebers. Ug, I think I just threw up in my mouth... No they were just ugly!
"Uh, Nate left, John right, Ky back, Vic back left, Isaac back right, Sierra, Hailey, Emilee, and me, gem. OK?" Sky said.
"GO!" She screamed. I ran to the back left tunnel. Wow, that kid put a lot of work into his evil lair! There were millions of tunnels branching of of each other. More demons were coming. I froze off the tunnel, but the demons kept coming. They pressed against the ice, but it wouldn't break. Phew! I rushed to help the others. All the other tunnels were sealed off.
"C'mon! We might get out with the gem!" I heard Sky say.
"I don't think I can let that happen." I heard. So close!

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