Isolation Leads to Injuries - Chapter 05

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The next day at school, Reba wasn’t there. 

That didn’t stop Jennifer and Ian from glaring at the two new arrivals to the school. 

“They’re glaring at us again.”  Charlotte fidgeted under the intense glares from the werewolf community around them. 

“Just ignore them.  They’re mutts just begging for scraps to devour.”  Sasha and Charlotte sent their own glares at Alice. 

“Do you have to call them mutts?”  Charlotte grumbled with a pout.  Scott squeezed Sasha’s shoulders, warning her to interrupt her sister. 

“Charlotte.”  Sasha growled out to get her sister’s attention. 

“What?  They’re not mutts!”  Charlotte’s voice went up an octave in frustration.  Sasha clamped a hand over her sister’s mouth with a snarl that didn’t go unnoticed by the werewolves around them. 

“Stop.  Talking.”  Was all she said, traces of her Alpha tone evident. 

Scott let out an annoyed sigh at the tone.  The older sister had been using it recently, bringing her inner wolf that much closer to the surface even though she was still weak.  That brought out her werewolf scent that they needed to cover. 

His fingers danced across Sasha’s soft neck before they grasped her delicate chin.  The eldest vampire forced the stubborn she-wolf to look at him.  Slowly, Sasha was beginning to adjust to his cold touch and hard skin. 

Without a word, his lips crashed onto hers.  Charlotte was forgotten as Sasha’s hand dropped from her mouth and went to hold Scott’s hand that was still on her chin.  Alice rolled her eyes and turned back to Austin to pick a fight again. 

That’s just disgusting!”  Jennifer sent out with a scowl at the two vampires that had the nerve to make out in front of the school. 

What’s happening?”  Reba questioned from the pack house. 

Scott and the new blood sucker are making out in the middle of lunch.  It’s kinda hot.”  Ian butted in.  A few of the males agreed to his statement. 

Is that seriously all they do?”  Reba sounded disgusted. 

Do you think they are blood mates?”  Cole addressed the pack as a whole.  If she was his blood mate, they could use her against the coven to have them move. 

They have shared blood before.  Remember that time in the office?  When they walked by, they smelled like blood.”  Reba notified the whole pack, causing the ones at school in the cafeteria to look at the pair with smirks. 

They are close.”  Jennifer confirmed as the two vampires pulled away from each other. 

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