Brawl in the Woods - Chapter 07

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Why do I have to patrol with you?”  Reba lashed out at Cole who was trotting next to her with a wolfish grin on his face. 

Because you missed your patrol the other day when you had your arm broken.”  Cole sniffed the air. 

But seriously?  On the border that connects to no man’s land?” 

Stop complaining.  This border also needs to be patrolled.” 

It’s the middle of the morning, there aren’t going to be rogues out here at this time of day.”  Reba snapped with a soft growl. 

Your arm is fixed.  Now stop bitching.”  Reba fluffed up in anger at his statement. 

A distant howl from outside of the territory broke the pair out of their argument. 

See, this is why we need to patrol.”  Cole growled out before he lifted his dark brown muzzle to warn off the rogues. 

Charlotte heard the same howl from the coven house. 

“Can we go shopping now?”  Alice moaned from the table with her head rested against the wood. 

“No.  Sasha isn’t awake yet.”  Scott looked up from his newspaper that he had stolen from Robert. 

“Can I wake her up?”  Charlotte questioned as she stole an apple from the bowl on the kitchen counter. 

“No.  Let her rest some.”  Robert stormed in and looked around to have his eyes narrow in on Scott.  “Give me that.”  He snatched the paper back. 

“Just trying to keep up with the times.”  Scott shrugged before he stood up and snatched the apple from Charlotte’s hand right before she could take a bite from it. 

“Fine.  I'm going on a run.”  Charlotte crossed her arms and made her way towards the hall.

“Scott, go with her.”  Robert sent an annoyed squint at the vampire. 

“No!”  The vampires stopped what they were doing and looked at her funny.  “I just need some time by myself.” 

“Whatever.”  Scott tossed the apple at the she-wolf and silently walked out of the room. 

Charlotte stood there awkwardly with her apple in hand for a few seconds before walking out of the kitchen.  Sharp teeth bit through the soft flesh of the rosy red apple as Charlotte made it up to her room. 

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