Unexpected Visitor - Chapter 09

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Sasha stopped when she made it over the border and turned around.  Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth in laughter at the sight of the four males that came to a stop on their side of the border. 

With a twinkle in her eye, she lifted her muzzle and let out a victorious howl that even the wolves at the high school could hear. 

After the last note of her howl died down, the she-wolf started off towards the coven to get some rest. 

Alpha, she escaped and made it to the other side of the border.”  Cole informed as he and the other three werewolves began to pant from the sudden exertion. 

You let her escape!?”  The Alpha roared out in anger after hearing the she-wolf’s howl from the pack house. 

Alpha, the boy that the vampires bit into is claiming that he and the new vampire had sex.”  One of the high school students alerted Diesel. 

At that, Diesel’s wolf took over, resulting with him transforming in the middle of his office and shredding his clothes.  The large black wolf stood in the middle of the room with his head down.  He was panting as he reeled in shock at the rumored betrayal. 

Diesel?”  Cole sounded cautious after feeling the rage of the Alpha’s shift through the link. 

Diesel cut all connections and just stood there, trying to calm down. 

After a few minutes of silence, the Alpha lifted its head and shook it briefly.  From there, he shifted back into his human form and lifted his cell phone off the desk he had been doing work on previously. 

Sasha trotted into the coven house, leaving smudgy paw prints behind her on the polished wood. 

“NO!”  That single shrieked word was enough to bring the werewolf to a skidding stop, leaving streaks on the previously clean floor.  Her paws slipped on the slick floor, resulting with the white wolf sitting on its haunches at a strange angle.  The she-wolf lifted her startled red gaze to meet those of the furious Ivy.  “OUT!”  The vampire stabbed her finger at the door for emphasize from the top of the stairs. 

Sasha rolled her eyes as she stood back up and trotted lazily towards the door she had just managed to open. 

“Ivy?  Is everything okay?”  Robert emerged from a room near the back of the house, his study. 

“That mutt just tracked in dirt!”  The female vampire snarled after the wolf was out the door. 

Sasha ignored the insult and rolled her eyes again. 

“I’m going to laugh if she goes and rolls in mud before coming back in.”  Rachel’s voice appeared out of nowhere. 

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