Ambush! - Chapter 10

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“What do you mean you can’t find her!?”  Ambrogio roared into the cell phone, fangs flashing dangerously as he let his anger bubble and build inside of him, spilling over like a boiling pot. 

“There are no traces of the two white wolves in Europe.  We’ve looked everywhere.”  The voice on the other line held steady even though he was ready to snap any minute now due to the pressure. 

“Did you get anything out of the hunters we captured here?” 

There was a pause. 


“It appears that none of the hunters knew which coven they were attacking.  They were paid a large sum by a group out of the Americas.” 

Ambrogio froze at the location. 

Smart girl.  Running off to a land you think I have no control of.  He smirked, causing his fangs to puncture his bottom lip.  After lightly lapping at his fresh wounds on his lip, he lifted the phone back up to his ear.

“That would explain why we’ve had such a hard time finding them in Europe for the last month.” 

“By the sixth month of freedom, it’ll be almost impossible to weaken her inner wolf again.”  George emerged out of the shadows to evaluate his Italian comrade. 

“I doubt she’ll let that sister of hers out of her sight ever again.”  Adolf appeared next to George with his cellphone held firmly in his hand. 

“She will be back.”  Ambrogio hissed, causing the other two elders to take steps back in shock at his sudden mood swing. 


Two figures darted around the borders as they met in midair only to spring apart from each other.  Their moonlight hued coats seemed to be only a few shades off from each other as they pressed together.  Teeth pierced skin shallowly, drawing the minimum amount of blood.  Red droplets fell onto the floor as the larger of the two managed to overpower her opponent at every clash. 

Once the pair was inside the vampire border, their movements became still as their piercing red eyes met the other’s eyes in a silent conversation that need not any movement or sound.  The forest around them stilled as the leaves they had stirred up landed.  The woodland animals around them refused to move.  Refused to breathe it seemed like. 

Without any warning, the smaller of the two shook her head, sending droplets of her blood splattered sparsely around the clearing.  Her pink nose sniffed the air a few times before she lazily tumbled to her side, ignoring the leaf snippets and fungus that were speckling the forest floor under her.  

The beast’s chest heaved up and down at a rapid pace as it tried to calm its racing heart and increased temperature.  The larger one strode over so that she was a yard in front of her sparring partner. 

“Too much.” Charlotte whined to Sasha who came to lay beside her sister with a few huffs of deep breathe before her breathing returned to normal. 

You’re getting there.  Almost to the level of a newly turned.”  Sasha sat down on a fresh clump of fungus and let out a few barks of laughter at her sister. 

This isn’t fair.  Back home I would be sparring with wolves that had transformed a year or so before me.”  The two stilled when her words sunk in. 

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