Leggy Blondes - Chapter 06

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“Will she be okay?”  Charlotte continued to pace outside of her sister’s room at the coven house. 

“She’ll be fine.  It was only a minor concussion and the wound on her neck has scabbed over again.”  Robert looked over his newspaper at her. 

“Why would he do that to her?”  Charlotte demanded as she stopped and stomped one of her feet in frustration. 

“I don’t know.  After talking with the Alpha for a good hour or so, I still don’t know.  All I found out is that the werewolf that attacked her will be ‘dealt with accordingly.’”  Robert tried to mimic the leader of the werewolves at the end before snorting at his own joke and reading on further in the paper. 

“When will she wake up?  What if she never wakes up?  What am I supposed to do if she dies?  Where would I go?  How will I-” 

“Charlotte!”  Robert snapped at the frantic she-wolf.  “She’ll wake up in the morning.  You can sleep with her if it makes you feel any better.”  The teenage girl let out a squeal of delight before darting into the room her sister was currently sleeping in. 

“I’m sorry.”  Scott mumbled from the shadows behind Robert. 

“You got to her as fast as you could.”  Robert turned the page of his paper with a sharp snap that ripped the whole paper in half. 

“Is she really going to be okay?”  Scott broke the awkward silence where Robert tried to continue reading the shredded newspaper. 

“Yes.  She’ll be fine.  Sasha has Alpha blood running in her veins.  With that in her, she’s basically indestructible.”  Robert tossed the scraps of the remaining newspaper aside to turn to the younger vampire. 

“That prick was about t-”  Robert held his hand up to stop the rest of Scott’s sentence. 

“I'm aware of that.  It isn’t looking too good.  She needs her inner wolf back, but she won’t be able to get her back until that wound on her neck heals fully.” 

“Why didn’t she shift?”  Scott sank into the seat next to the leader with a frown as he rubbed his face roughly. 

“Werewolves can’t shift in close quarters, like Sasha was in, without their inner wolves.”  Robert clarified with a wave of his hand.  When he noticed Scott’s confused face he sighed and proceeded to explain.  “Their inner wolves help them scope the landscape around them.  It’s like having internal sonar.  Planes can’t land without their GPS and other gadgets very easily.  Same case for werewolves.  They can’t shift easily without their inner wolves telling them what is around them.” 

“She could see the hallway and knew there were lockers behind her.” 

“But, she didn’t know if there were any other werewolves nearby.  Inner wolves also keep their host aware of the beings around them.” 

“I should have ripped his head off.”  Scott snarled after another pause. 

“Sasha needed you more.  Plus, their Beta looked really pissed when he saw what Reed was doing.”  Robert chuckled softly at memory of the Beta’s face. 

“Just imagine what their Alpha is going to do to them when he gets his hands on him.”  Scott scoffed.  The Alpha kept to himself and rarely ventured to the areas that the coven were allowed to walk, like the town in general. 


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