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Aurora Rosier___________________________

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Aurora Rosier

I just finished catching up with Willow and decided to stop at the library to pick a few books out.

As I walked into the library I saw Hermione Granger reading a book next to the fireplace, I soon noticed she wasn't alone and she was laying on the chest of .. Draco?

I gasped. Apparently too loud as I caught both there attentions, they exchanged glances and a few words then started making there way towards me.

If they were trying to keep it a secret and someone found out what would you do....you would make them forget.

I turned on my heel and sprinted out the library, I heard them running after me.I kept running and running and running until I reached the stairs up to the astronomy, I bolted up them and ran to the cabinet with the constellation books and hid behind it.

I got my wand out from my robe and was ready to block there spells.I heard footsteps approaching the cabinet and I knew I couldn't stay here forever so I stood out from the cabinet with my wand drawn at the person.I soon saw that it was not who I expected it was Mattheo.

I lowered my wand and put it back into my robe.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he watched my every move.

"I could ask you the same thing but I'd rather know who did you mistake me for?"

I looked at him and I knew I couldn't lie so I just told him.

"Draco and Hermione" I replied looking out at the view of the black lake leaning against the pillar.

He hummed in response whilst taking out a cigarette and placing it between lips.

I thought about how I hadn't spoken to my brother properly since that party and maybe it would be better if I did.No he was wrong he kissed her I didn't do anything if he wants to talk he should come and apologise.

"Go talk to him" Mattheo spoke snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Stop reading my mind"I spat looking him dead in the eye.

He inched closer to me trapping me between the pillars.

"I'll do what I want witch"he replied with a smirk plastered on his face.He took a draw from his cigarette and grabbed my chin making me look up at him.

"Open" he demanded

I was frightened.I was scared on what he would do if I didn't so I obeyed him and opened my mouth slightly as he exhaled the smoke in to my mouth.

I looked away and coughed a little.He chuckled observing me.

"Has the princess never smoked before"he asked causing me to scoff.

"I'm leaving"

He didn't say anything so I just left and headed to the common room.Maybe I should talk to Issac what's the worse that could happen.

I entered the common room and saw some of the boys sitting on the couch, luckily Draco wasn't there.I walked over and asked if they saw Issac they all shook there heads so I started to walk to his dorm.

I reached his dorm and knocked on the door,
no one answered.I knocked again no answer.I got out my wand.

"Alohomora" I recited and his door swung open.I looked over to his bed and saw him shirtless under the covers fast asleep with that fucking bitch Astoria sleeping on his chest.

I was disgusted.I actually didn't know what I was doing, I was stood frozen in his room.

I went to leave but I bumped into Liam.Issac and Liam share a dorm so I wasn't surprised when I bumped into him.

"Sorry Auro-" he stopped himself when he looked over to Issacs bed.He immediately pulled me into his embrace because he knows how much it hurts me to see him with her.A few tears pooled down my face but all I wanted was comfort.

Liam Dolohov

About 10 minutes after I watched Aurora walk up to my dorm to find Issac I decided to go up and see if everything was okay.

I reached the dorm and bumped into someone and looked down to see it was her.

"Sorry Auro-" I cut myself off when I looked over to Issacs bed and saw Astoria wrapped around him, both of them sound asleep and clothes scattered everywhere on the floor.

I looked down at Aurora and saw the pain in her eyes and immediately pulled her close to me.I had put one hand on her lower back and one stroking her hair.I figured she needed comfort right know and she would talk when she was ready.

I pulled away and peered down at her now grasping her shoulders.I couldn't tell if she wanted to be alone or comforted so I suggested going to the library or a walk as I know she loves reading and nature.

"I'm just going to go to my dorm thank you though" she replied and flashed me a weak smile before waking down the direction of her dorm.

I then stormed into my dorm and got a glass of water and flung it on Issacs face.

"What the fuck" he spat angrily as him and Astoria both woke up due to the water.

"Astoria you slut I think you can leave now I'm sure there's another boy around here who's bed you can get in" I glared at her in disgust.

"Whatever" she replied gathering her clothes and leaving his dorm.I'm actually quite shocked she didn't argue back.

"And you" I pointed at him " how could you do this to her"I shouted looking at him.He looked
Confused and soon realised I meant Aurora.

"She doesn't know so it's not hurting anyone"he replied whilst getting up from his bed.

"Are you sure about that because if I remember correctly she came up here looking for you and found you and that whore half naked sleeping in your bed"

He went pale.

"She wasn't suppose to know" he replied as he looked to the floor " it didn't mean anything it was just a hookup."

"Well you better tell her that then and apologise for it also but I can't guarantee she'll accept since you've ignored her for 3 weeks ."I spoke now heading over to my bed getting my stuff ready for class tomorrow.

He didn't say anything.I scoffed and went to the bathroom and changed into some joggers and a top before getting into bed and thinking about her and how broken she looked, and how I wanted to take her pain away.

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